9 were all here

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No pov:

"I-i don't suppose saying I'm sorry would quite cover it"
Peter said.

"No, it wouldn't"
Lucy said..

She then threw a snowball at her brother hitting him right in the face.

"But that might"
She yelled laghing.

Peter and Susan grabbed hand fulls of snow to turn into snow balls.

You wached their family moment with a smile. That is untill Peter through a snow ball at your face.

"Your going to regret that Peter"
You said as you picked up some snow making it into a ball and throwing it at him.

Edmund roled his eyes and looked at the two mountains the white witch had told him about.

Susan threw a snowball at him.

"Aw.. Stop it"
Edmund complained.

Everyone stoped what they were doing.

"You little lire"
Peter began.

"You didn't believe her either"
Edmund said.

"Apoligize to Lucy"
Peter said.

"Say your sorry!"
Peter said sternly walking closer to Edmund.

"All right! I'm sorry"
Edmund said.

"Thats Allright... some little children just don't know when to stop pretending"
Lucy said

"Oh very funny"
Edmund replied.

"Maybe we should go back"
Susan said.

"But shouldn't we at least take a look around"
Edmund said.

Peter looked at him then at Lucy.

"I think Lucy should decide"
Peter said

"I'd like you all to meet Mr. Tumnus"
Lucy said with excitement.

"Well then Mr. Tumnus it is"
Peter said walking to the wardrobe to grab the coats inside.

"But we can't go hiking in the snow dressed like this"
Susan complained.

"No...but I'm sure the professor won't mind us using these"
Peter said handing everyone coats.

"Anyway if you think about it logically"
Peter began.

"Were not even taking them out of the wardrobe"
Peter finished. Handing Edmund his coat.

"But that's a girls coat"
Edmund complained.

"I know"
Peter said.

You couldn't help but let out a small laugh, at that.

Why were there so many typos in this chapter. Prob cause I wrote it at 1AM

335 words

Narnia is new to me (Peter x male)Where stories live. Discover now