26 caspian

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-your pov and time skip-

We watched as the telmarins cut down trees and built catapults. They were getting ready for war.

We saw a group of solders walk by and quickly ducked down to hide.

"Perhaps this wasn't the best way to come after all"

Peter got up and we followed. We went back to the river.

Time skip cause I'm getting lazy you all know what happend Lucy falls and finds a way to cross the river and all I'm skipping to were they find Caspian.

Me and Peter decided to fall asleep next to eachother, whether it was a good idea or not we ended up waking up cuddling very embarrassing. We notice Lucy was walking away so we followed.

We saw something in the woods and Peter grabbed Lucy stoping her from moving any farther. We looked to see who it was.

We saw a Minotaur and we ducked behind the bush Peter went to check it out me and Lucy stayed behind.

Peter drew his sword getting ready to fight.

Someone jumped in and started fighting him.

I yelled.

Peter got his swored stuck in a tree and he got kicked to the ground that's when I decided to come out.


"No stop"
Lucy yelled stoping her brother.

They stoped fighting as me and Lucy stood there.

I looked at the guy Peter was fighting I could not control the words that left my mouth.

"Wow your hot"
I blurted out.

Caspian looked at me confused as did Lucy and Peter looked at me a bit jealous.

"I-i mean in a way- I'm n-not trying to hit on you or anything I'm just saying"
I said nervesly.

And then abounch of narnians surrounded us.

"Prince caspian"
Peter questiond.

"Oh shit now I feel even more embarrassed  I am so sorry you're Hines"
I said awkwardly.

Caspian just looked at me and smirked. Peter glared at him after that.

"I am, who are you?"
Caspian questiond

Susan yelled.

As the others finally arived.

It was then he realized who we were.

"High king peter"

"I believe you called"

"Well yes but... I thought you'd be older"
He said

"Well if you like, we could come back in afew years"

"No. No, that's Allright. Your just... your not exactly what I expected"

"Nether are you"

"A common enemy unites even the oldest of foes"
Badger said.

"We have anxiously awaited your return, my liege"
A mouse said.

"Our hearts and swords are at your service"
He said.

"Oh My gosh he is so cute"
Lucy whispered.

"Who said that"
He yelled.


"Oh your majesty, with the greatest respect, I do believe "courageous" "courteous or "chivalrous" might be more befit a knight of narnia"

"Well at least we know some of you can handle a blade"

"Yes, indeed. And I have recently put it to good use, securing weapons for your army. Sire"

"Good cause were gonna need every swored we can get"
Peter turned to Caspian still jealous.

"Well, then you will probably be wanting yours back"
Caspian handed Peter his swared he sheathed it and we started walking to there camp.


I'm starting to get lazy to I think I'm gonna stop today hope you guys are enjoying this chapter so far.

Narnia is new to me (Peter x male)Where stories live. Discover now