16 melting

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I'm righting this at the beach and I'm all discombobulated so this might not be to cool.


-your pov-

We came up to a ledge to see a river. The ice was breaking away.

"We need to cross now"
Peter said.

"Don't beavers make dames"
Lucy questiond.

"I'm not that fast dear"
Beaver said.

"Come on"
Peter said

"Wait will you just think abought this for a minute"
Susan asked.

"We don't have a minute"

"I'm just trying to be realistic"

"No your trying to be smart. As usual"

I looked at Susan, then we heard howling in the distance.

"You've got to be kidding me, come on Susan no more time to contemplate are actions"
I said following Peter.

We climbed down the mountain ledge. Making it to the river that was slowly breaking away.

Peter steped on the ice only for it to sink alittle till he got off.

"Wait maybe I should go first"
Beaver said.

"Maybe you should"
Peter replied.

Beaver then went on the ice to see were their were safe places to step.

"You've been seeking second helpings haven't you"
Mrs beaver said.

"Well you never know which meals gonna be your last"
Beaver said.

We all slowly followed Beaver. The ice cracked as we walked across, I was alittle ahead of everyone cause I just wanted to get off that ice.

"If mum knew what we were doing..."

"Mums not here"

I heard the siblings fight. But minded my own business.

"Oh no"
Lucy yelled as she saw the wolf's walking along the edge of a frozen waterfall.

Peter yelled.

I ran as fast as I could and made it to the other side the wolf's cornered me and blocked off The others.

I saw Beaver try to defend himself untill he got pinned down by a wolf.

Lucy yelled. He unshethed his sword and amed it at the wolf.

"Put that down boy, somone could get hurt"

"Don't worry about me, run him threw"
Beaver said.

I looked at the scean before me the wolf growling my way forgetting abought me to join his pack.
I looked at the ice seeing it start to crack.

"Leave now wile you can, and your brother leaves with you"

"Stop Peter. Maybe we should listen to him"

"Smart girl"
The wolf said

"Don't listen to him peter"
I yelled looking to him.

"Kill him! Kill him now!"
Beaver yelled

"Oh come on. This isn't your war"

"All my queen wants is for you to take your family and go"

"Look just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword. It doesn't make you a hero. Just drop it."
Susan yelled.

"No Peter! Narnia needs you! Gut him while you still have a chance"
Beaver yelled.

"What's it gonna be son of Adam. I won't wait forever. And neither will the river"

I looked to my friends with worry thinking of something I could possibly do.

"Oh this is a disaster"
I frowned then heard a crack coming from the frozen waterfall I looked up to see some water spilling threw it.

I yelled he looked at me.

"The waterfall"
I pointed to it as Peter looked at it.

"Hold on to me"
Peter yelled to his siblings as he stabed his sword into the ice block they were standing on. Then the water fall bursted open as the wolf's looked in feer.

-time skip you all know what happens next-

I helped Susan out of the water as she then turned around to see that Lucy was gone.

"What have you done"
She said.

She yelled.

I then saw something in the water and realized it was Lucy. I ran over to her and helped her out of the water.

"Are you ok"

"Yes just cold"

"Guys over hear"
I yelled as they all ran to where we were.

"Good eye mate"
Beaver said to me.

"I dont think you'll be needing those coats any more"
Mrs beaver said as we all look to the melting snow in the forest.


Maybe if I rote the chapters longer their wouldn't be so many chapters should I start doing that?

Words 702

Narnia is new to me (Peter x male)Where stories live. Discover now