4 narnia

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No pov:

Lucy peeked her head out of the wardrobe. She backed away towards the back of the wardrobe passing many fluffy coats her hand was behind her. She was expecting to hit the back of the wardrobe but instead of a flat surface She felt something els that startled her. She turned around slowly to see a snowy forest. She looked back to the entrance of the wardrobe then back to the forest slowly walking into it.

She moved branches out of her way and entered the forest. It was snowing She looked up with amazement wonder and curiosity.

She walked through the forest. She turned around still seeing the wardrobe. She smiled then walked further away.

She found herself at a lamp and went to check it out.

She went to touch it when she heard a twig snap. She looked to where the noise was comeing from.

She heard someone moving and got a bit scared. She looked around.

She saw a man and screamed he screamed as well and hid behind a tree. He had dropped all his things. She slowly walked towards him as he peeked his head behind the tree.

She went to pick up his things.

The man stepped out from behind the tree. He was trying to speak but couldn't. He was shaking.

Lucy went to give him his package. She noticed his feet except they wernt feet they were hoovs.

"Were you hiding from me?"
She questiond.

The man just took his package back.

Then everything with Lucy happens and all hell breaks loos she comfurts her new friend who tried to get her arrested. But he was just scared.


Lucy made it out of the wardrobe and ran to tell her siblings and you that she was ok.

"It's alright. I'm back, I'm alright"
She shouted.

Walking past Edmunds hiding place.

"Shut up he's comeing"
Edmund said

Lucy looked at him confused.

Peter turned the corner to see his siblings. Edmund sighed.

"You know I'm not sure the two of you quite got the idea of this game"
Peter said.

"Wernt you wondering were I was?"
Lucy questiond.

"Thats the point. That was why he was seeking you"
Edmund said annoyed.

You and Susan ran up to the three.

"Does this mean we win"
You and Susan looked at eachother. You both got to know eachother on the way there.

"I dont think Lucy wants to play anymore"
Peter said looking at you and Susan.

"I've bean gone for hours"
Lucy said sounding confused.

Everyone looked at her confused.


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433 words

Narnia is new to me (Peter x male)Where stories live. Discover now