15 merry Christmas

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-your pov-

We made it to a high mountain and looked out into the view, it was very pretty.

"Aslans camp is near the stone table"
Beaver began.

"Just across the frozen River"
He finished.

Peter questiond.

"Oh the rivers been frozen solid for a hundred years"
Mrs beaver said.

I Said aloud.

"It's so far"
Peter complained.

"It's the world Peter what did you expect"
I said as Peter glared at me. I just chuckled.

And with that we began are jerny to Aslan.


We were walking across the river now my legs were literally about to give out.

I sighed in frustration.

"Come on wile were still young"
Beaver said.

"If he tells us to hurry one more time I'm going to turn him into a big fluffy hat"
Peter said as he let Lucy ride on his back.

We chuckled.

"Hurry up! Come on!"
Beaver yelled.

"He is getting alittle bossy"
Lucy said.

"No behind you! It's her"
Beaver yelled.

I questiond before looking behind me as did the others.

"Run Run!"
The beavers yelled.

"Peter give me Lucy I'm good at running with kids"
I said.

"Umm o-ok"
Peter stuttered as he let me carry Lucy. Then we ran like he'll to the other side of the river.

Peter yelled.

Beaver said as he ushered us all inside a little cave.

"Dive dive!"
Beaver yelled.

As we got in I subconsciously grabbed hold of Peter's hand.

We hurd the bells of a slay suddenly stop. We hurd foot steps approaching where we were.

"Maybe she's gone"
Lucy said after afew seconds of silence.

Beaver then went to go check if it was safe.

"Come out, come here"
Beaver peeked his head into the cave startling us alittle.

"I hope you've been good, cause there's someone here to see you"
Beaver said.

We all steped out from are hiding place to see who was here

We steped out to see a guy in a red coat and a long white beard.

I questiond.

"Merry Christmas, sir"
Lucy said walking up to him.

"It certainly is, Lucy since you have arrived."
Santa said.

"Look I've put up with a lot since I got here, but this..."
Susan began

"We thought you were the witch"
Peter cut her off.

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry about that, but in my defense, I have been driving one of these longer than the witch"
Santa said.

"I thought their was no Christmas in narnia"
Susan said.

"No, not for a long time"
Santa said.

"But the hope that you have brought, your majestic, is finally starting to weaken the witches power"
Santa began.

"Still, I dare say you could do with these."
Santa finished grabing his sack of toys.

Lucy said excitedly walking towards Santa.

I watched as Santa grabbed a dagger and a bottle.
He nelt down to Lucy's hight and handed them to her.

"The juice of fire-flower, one drop will cure any injury. And though I hope you never have to use it"
Santa said as he gave her the items.

"Thank you sir"
Lucy began.

"But I think I could be brave enough"
She finished.

"I'm sure you could, but battles are ugly affairs"
Santa smiled at her.

Lucy walked to her brother as santa pulled out a bow and arrow.

He said as Susan walked up to him.

"Trust in this bow and it will not easily miss"
Santa handed her the bow.

"What happend to battles are ugly affairs"
Susan said as Santa just chuckled.

"Though you don't seem to have a problem making yourself heard, blow on this, and wherever you are, help will come."
Santa said handing her a horn.

Susan thanked befor walking back to were she was originally standing.

"Peter... the time to use these may be near at hand."
Santa said as he handed Peter a sword and a shield.

Peter unshethed the sword and admired it.

"Thank you sir"
Peter said.

"And finally, y/n"
Santa said as he handed me a note book and a pen (pen can be modern day pen of a quill or whatever you want)

"Your best thoughts should be saved on paper"

"Thank you"
I said flipping threw the pages.

"These are tools not toys"
Santa then said.

"Bear them well and wisely, now I must be off, winter is almost over, and things do pile up when you've been gone a hundred years"
Santa chuckled.

"Long live Aslan, and merry Christmas"
He said before leaving.

"Merry Christmas"
"See you next year"
We all said as he rode off.

"Told you he was real"
Lucy said as she looked back to her siblings.

I just laghfed.

"He said winter was almosted over, you know what that means, no more ice"
Peter said.


This is the last chapter of the night Thank the lord I'm done. Anyway its 3AM I got shit to do in the morning so GN everyone.

Words 840

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