You find out your pregnant

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Inuyasha: It was a few months after your first time with Inuyasha, you started noticing yourself getting sick each morning, you got tired faster and you were more emotional then normal so you went to Kaede to figure out what was going on. During your exam with Kaede she told you some shocking news, you're pregnant with Inuyashas baby after finding out you were excited but worried you guys already had Haru who took a lot of time up. You thanked Kaede and left to go have a moment to yourself trying to find a way to tell Inuyasha, you wanted to do it in private so not everyone knew about it so you stayed safe. You decided you would tell Inuyasha after Haru went to bed.

Koga: Lately you had been getting sick and dizzy very quickly and it was starting to worry Koga. So when Koga went out on a hunt you talked to one of the elder women in his pack and that's when you found out you were having a baby with Koga. As you thought about it ,the more worried you got as you guys had Ai but also you were always in danger so the thought of bringing your baby into that world scared you but you decided you would tell Koga privately once he arrived home from his hunt. 

Sesshomaru: You had noticed that you were always tired, you were dizzy, you gotten sick often and you were late so you decided to visit Lady Kaede which shocked her but she gave you a check up and told you that you were pregnant which you were kind of expecting as you knew the consequences but it still worried you since you guys already took care of Rin and Kenji so you decided you would tell Sesshomaru when he came back from whatever he left you guys to go do.

Miroku: You knew you were pretty quick as you learned many things from your mother as you grew up but it still was a shock to you. you decided you were going to tell Miroku when you guys came back from the mission you were on as you guys took care of Sara still which made you more nervous about having two children but you knew you guys could do it so you knew you were going to tell him when you guys were home. 

Naraku: You had gotten sick and you were noticing changes in your body since you were very in tune with your body,you noticed the big differences, you got checked by a random village healer when Naraku was away and she told you were pregnant so you decided to head home and you were going to tell Naraku when he returned home.

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