He hears someone talking bad about you

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Inuyasha: You were sitting with Kagome while everyone else did their own thing. Inuyasha was walking through the town when he heard someone say your name so he looked over to see a village man. He heard the man say"Yeah that person over there their name is Y/N yeah they dress funky probably some goblin they carry along with them since they feel bad" Inuyasha got pissed and walked over cornering the guy and punched him hard then said"You talk about my girlfriend ever again you'll be dead." He walked away then went to you and Kagome then sat down  also pulling you close and Haru played with his dad's hair making sure to be gentle.

Koga:He walked into his den to hear one of his pack members to say"Kogas lover is annoying always talking. They really need to shut up like no one cares." Another pack member saw Koga and froze then pointed to behind the member talking bad so the member talking bad turned around then rubs his head not knowing what to say so Koga kicked him in the face and left hearing him saying"Koga i'm sorry" He ignored him then went to you picking you up while Ai played with the wolfs. Koga told you what happened later that day and you thought it was sweet that he cared for you so much he defended you.

Sesshomaru:You guys had stopped at a village for the night. You were inside a hut with Rin, Jaken, Kenji and A-Un while Sesshomaru was outside the hut. There was a group of men walking past the hut you were in and they didn't see Sesshomaru so they started talking about you saying how they thought you were weird and needed to be killed. Sesshomaru followed them then ended up leaving them injured as he was angry they were talking about you.  You had heard them and you guessed what happened to them as you knew how protective Sesshomaru is over you.

Miroku: You were traveling with the gang and stopped at a village to rest and get some more supplies along the way when a group of women started talking about you and how you didn't deserve Miroku as he was a handsome young monk who needed a young women, Miroku shut them down real quick defending you and being by your side ignoring their apologies as he was sick of them already so you and Miroku walked away from them laughing to each other mocking them.

Naraku: You were wondering around the mansion with the twins attached to you as  you were trying to get them to sleep when some of Narakus minions were watching you so then they walked away talking about you and why Naraku would love someone as weak as you when Naraku heard them he punished them stabbing them with his tentacles as he left them there to be in pain then he went to you staying close to you.

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