You fall asleep against them

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Inuyasha:It was after you guys finished traveling for miles, you were exhausted along with everyone else besides Inuyasha as he wanted to keep moving eventually he gave in and let everyone rest. You decided to sit next to Inuyasha and before you knew it you were leaning against him passed out on his shoulder, everyone in the group laughed at this as Inuyasha was blushing not expecting you to do that. Inuyasha eventually pulled you closer to keep you safe then Haru cuddled into you while everyone else went to sleep. The next morning when you woke up the group was teasing you and Inuyasha about it.

Koga:You had a long day as you were helping Koga with his pack keeping them in order, you often helped bathe the wolfs and their puppies. You were tired as the puppies were a lot of work so you went to Kogas area of the home and sat next to him leaning against him and falling asleep pretty quickly. Koga let you rest before he had to lay you down as he had other duties he needed to attend to but he made sure you were comfortable before walking away on you but Koga eventually went back to you and cuddled with you to sleep after he put Ai to sleep for the night.

Sesshomaru: Sesshomaru had you guys walking for a while before you guys could rest, Rin was riding on A-Un along with Kenji. After a while Sesshomaru let you guys rest so Kenji and Rin were eating while you were sitting next to Sesshomaru so you closed your eyes and fell asleep falling against Sesshomaru being asleep on his arm, Sesshomaru looked at you a little shocked but his face didn't show that. The kids were watching in awe because they never expected you to be able to sleep against Sesshomaru. Rin and Kenji eventually fell asleep against A-Un while Jaken was sleeping against a tree, Sesshomaru got comfortable and eventually pulled you close to him. In the morning you woke up to being on A-Un's back as Sesshomaru put you there when he got up, you eventually sat up and stretched.

Miroku:When Your group was resting you were playing with Sara and eventually got exhausted so you sat next Miroku and fell asleep against him along with Sara. So the group just decided to camp there for the night when you woke up in the morning you saw Sara with you and Miroku. So you let Sara and Miroku sleep while you quietly talked to Sango and Kagome before everyone getting up and walking to the next destination.

Naraku:It was after a long day of taking care of the twins and also dealing with errands Naraku wanted you to do so while he was sitting in his room you walked into and just plopped into his lap after laying the twins down to sleep for the night so when you sat in his lap you easily fell asleep as he held you close while his minions came in and out of the room quietly because he glared at them if they were loud. In the morning you woke up to the twins crying but you still being in Naraku's lap so you gently got up to take care of the twins.

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