The kid gets sick and how you guys help

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Inuyasha: Haru got sick from being outside playing in the rain so this made Inuyasha angry as he wanted to travel but Haru needed to rest and heal so you told them to just travel and come back in a week so that Haru could fully heal as you gave him soup, medicine and his liquids.

Koga: Ai got sick from the pack all getting sick and you were expecting it so you had already got everything she needed to get healthy again and it was very quick then she got better as her body was already prepared for the sickness.

Sesshomaru: Kenji and Rin got sick together as it became colder outside and since you guys were outside a lot they came down with a cold so you took care of them while staying at a village as Sesshomaru wouldn't let them go anywhere until they were fully healed which took them a couple days to fully be healed.

Miroku: Sara got sick from you and Miroku so you both took turns giving her medicine and soup along with the liquids she needed so then she got healthy faster as it took her like 3 days before she was fully healed.

Naraku: Mio an Kai got sick because it became really cold in the mansion so you had to take care of them while Naraku found out a way to make sure the mansion stayed at a warm temperature so the twins wouldn't get sick again as they were so young it was dangerous for them to be getting badly sick.

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