Your Love Language

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His:Physical Touch, Inuyasha will constantly hold your hand or carry you on his back if he feels like he hasn't shown you love, He will also cuddle you as you guys sleep.
Yours:Acts of Service, You will help Inuyasha with many tasks or you will do things for him that he didn't ask you to do but that you wanted to do for him, he took notice very quickly that was what you do.

His:Words of affirmation, Koga will often tell you how beautiful you are or how much he loves you, its normal for him to random start telling you how much he loves and adores you.
Yours:Quality Time, You are always with him unless he leaves to go hunting but you want to be with him, you like his company as he treats you amazingly and makes you feel good about yourself, There are times where you need to be alone from everyone because it becomes to much but you come back better.

His:Quality time, Sesshomaru doesn't show it but he enjoys when You two are just together nothing has to be happening as long as you two are together like when you're traveling just having you there is all he needs,There are times when he will take you to a private spot so it could be just you two alone having some time together.
Yours:Giving gifts, Now these gifts are nothing fancy but a lot of the time you'll hand him flowers you thought were pretty or you'll get him things from the markets that you think he'd like, he never expresses it but he does appreciate the things you get him and also he keeps them safe in a bag A-Un carries that no one gets to look in but him.

His:Physical touch, Well its Miroku so he's always touching you, sometimes in a pervert manner but most of the time it was loving like him holding your hand or him holding you close to him, you two were always touching somehow.
Yours:Words of affirmation, You will tell Miroku how much you love him and how beautiful he is, you smother him with your affectionate words, you want him to know you love him dearly, you love seeing his face when you do this.

His:Giving Gifts, When Naraku is out he'll go in disguise and get you gifts from the market that he'll bring home to you, its always fancy things he brings as he sneaks them and he will get flowers to go along with the gift.
Yours:Physical Touch, You will always touch him like randomly rub his arm, you will randomly hug him, your affection is random but you do love him a lot so you try to express it just like he tries to express it.

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