The Captain's Log

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Life is harder and weirder than you think. Sometimes the biggest victories come with the greatest losses, and sometimes the biggest villains, are also unexpected heroes. When my father came back, I thought it was a dream come true. But the thing that I found is, life doesn't give you oceans without waves. My dad wanted to make a great quest of his life. He wanted adventure, and he wanted to find treasure. You know what I realized? I am my father's daughter. 

We bury my dad back at the mountain at El Tesoro, under a rock. The rock is carved, Big John Routledge - Explorer + Father - RIP P4L. We bury Ward at the site of his death, under a cross made from sticks and a bundle of wildflowers and a picture of his family.

~~~                                                                          18 MONTHS LATER                                                                        ~~~

"An expedition of one man, John Routledge, and a group of teenagers, who are with us today. Locals, who grew up here, and who succeeded, where centuries of conquistadors, explorers, and admirals failed," The dignitary says into the speaker. The seven of us sit in chairs across the deck of the courthouse, in front of most of the island. We're dressed in nice clothes, suits and dresses, with our hair combed and our faces and hands clean. 

JJ turns to smile at me, and I smile back. "Today, we come together to celebrate these teens, friends, from both sides of the island, who came together to solve this 500-year-old mystery!" The old man says. JJ runs his thumb over the back of my knuckles. "Let's hear it for them!" He finishes. The crows in front of cheers loudly. The seven of us, lean forward, all smiles as we grasp hands and stand together. 

I smile at Kie's and Pope's parents in the front row, cheering the loudest. I drop Kie's hand to place my right my hand protectively over the very tiny baby bump beginning to form on my stomach. JJ kisses my cheek as the crowd stands, still clapping. Even Topper shoots us a smile.


People talk and mingle, viewing the glass case up front filled with multiple artifacts from our journey. The idol, Denmark's diary, pictures of Denmark, a piece of the gold, and more. "Okay, I need a reset, I need a reset right now. This is a lot," JJ laughs as we walk across the perfectly manicured lawn together. "It's time to celebrate!" He says, pulling me against his side. "I'll take one hit," Pope agrees as JJ smiles at him. Sarah giggles. "One!" Pope insists. "Bad man now," Cleo laughs, clinging to Pope's arm. 

"Big John would've thought this was all bullshit," JJ says as the two of us go to stand behind one of the tall white tables, looking around at the party full of fancy dressed-up Kooks. The party dedicated to us. The rest of the Pogues stand just off to the side, leaning against a white column "Yeah, he kinda hated this side of the island," I nod. "But I know you're thinking about him," JJ whispers, kissing my head. 

"I don't know, after everything that's happened, it's just...," I mutter. "It's just different," I say. "It just feels so normal, you know?" I ask. "Kie's saving turtles, Pope's going away to school, we bought a boat... and a house, John B and Sarah have an amazing surf shop," I smile. "We're married, like for real," JJ grins, wrapping his arms around my waist. His hands fall on top of my own, covering my stomach. I look up at him, smiling. "We're gonna have a family," I sigh against his chest as he kisses me. "A family," He repeats. 

I laugh. "John B's gonna freak when he finds out-," I'm interrupted by a rasping voice. "Excuse me. I... I don't mean to interrupt," The old man says, walking towards us. "Uh, can we help you?" Pope asks as the other Pogue's join us. "Yes. I wanted to tell you all it's remarkable what you all did," He says. "Royal Merchant, El Dorado, Denmark Tanny," The man lists. "Impressive resume, impressive," He whispers, shaking his head. I narrow my eyes in confusion. 

"I was wondering if you would all be so kind as to look at an item of mine," He says, placing his brief case on the table. "Oh yeah? What type of item is that?" Cleo asks suspiciously. "It's a manuscript," He answers. "I would investigate it myself, but I'm- too long in the tooth," He says. "I need partners, and you all were first on my list," He says. We all glance up at him, waiting.

"May I?" Pope asks, holding his hand out. "I was hoping you would," The man nods. He hands Pope an old book. Pope flips through the delicate pages, reading the delicate ink handwriting. "1718, jeez this is old," He says. We all look over his shoulder curiously. "Exhibition notes, dates," Pope says as he flips through. "This is a captain's log," John B understands, looking up at the man.

"This shows the exact position of the ship," John B says. "The exact location where the ship sailed... and where it stopped," The man whispers. "Who is the captain?" JJ asks. We all look up, wondering the same thing. "Edward Teach," The man finally answers. When none of us react, he lowers his voice. "Blackbeard," He whispers. We all glance at each other, excitement in our eyes. JJ grins. "Hot damn," John B whispers. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now