The Triple Loss

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"Yeah, so apparently he thinks we're close to the same treasure Singh was talking about," Sarah explains as we sit in lawn chairs at the Château. John B and my dad were supposed to have been back yesterday. "So... they're off on some top secret mission to find more gold?" I ask with a roll of my eyes. I shake my head. "He doesn't trust me," I mutter.

Suddenly, the Twinkie pulls into the driveway and dad and John B climb out. Pope is the first over to them, but I don't pay attention as they all reunite. I'm busy thinking about how the two of them just left me yesterday. I was always their partner in crime before... I guess now it was just the two of them. 


"Yeah, yeah, so we, um... we went to the archives in Charleston, and, uh... it was... it was a dead end," John B explains to us later. "A dry hole... so," He mutters sadly. "So that's the gold, the cross, and now El Dorado," Pope shakes his head. "We're three-for-three, guys," He mutters. JJ takes my hand, offering me a sad smile that I return. Pope grunts, chucking the bottle cap he was holding away from him. He throws his hands up, laughing humorlessly. "The streak continues," He scoffs. "That's great," He shakes his head as he leaves.

"See you, John B," Kie nods, following closely. JJ stands up, dropping my hand. "I'm going fishing, thanks for the beer," He shakes his head, tossing it in the trash. He raises his eyebrows at me, asking if I'm coming with him. I purse my lips. "I'll meet you later," I whisper, squeezing his hand one more time before he leaves. John B sighs, standing up and walking over to the edge of the yard. I stand to follow. "I'll be quick," I nod at Sarah, knowing she probably wants some time with him.

"We're twins, right?" I ask John B, not looking at him. "Yeah," He breathes, clearing his throat. "So that means we always tell each other the truth," I whisper. "Y/n, I am telling the truth," He says, not meeting my eyes. "What, you think I'm... I'm... I'm lying?" He asks, finally turning to look at me. "Is that what you think?" He asks. "No, no, it's just... the story isn't really adding up," I say, choosing my words carefully. I know he can already read the hurt in my expression.

"You and dad, who's alive, get the Twinkie and go off to Charleston without me, and I'm just trying to understand why," I shake my head. "If there's anything that you can't tell the others, you can tell me," I say. "I'm apart of this family," I whisper, slightly angry now. "Mhmm," He nods. "What happened?" I whisper. "Look, dad came back. And he's trying to help all of us. Including you. So just- just stay out of it!" He hisses. My eyes fill with tears. "Stay out of it?" I choke. 

"John B I am being lied to by my own family! My dad, who was missing, and I now just found out is alive, and my brother, my twin brother!" I whisper, my voice shaking. "Maybe I'm not as much a part of this family as I thought," I whisper. "I'll be at JJ's. You can call me when you want to tell the truth," I say before leaving his side. 


"Hey," JJ calls when he sees me walking through his lawn. He's laid back on the couch on the front porch of his house. "Hey," I sigh as he scoots over, leaving me room to lay down against his chest. "John B and I got in a fight," I mutter. "I know he's lying about what happened in Charleston. He pretty much admitted it to me. I don't know why they're both hiding stuff from me, but he won't give it up," I shrug. "What are you thinking?" He asks, stroking my arm. "I don't know, but obviously dad doesn't think he can trust me, which is absolute bullshit," I breathe, closing my eyes.

"Well, get this," He shakes his head, pursing his lips. "I was down at Guffy's, trying to get my old job back, and I overheard Rafe and Barry on the boat," He says. "I jumped in the water and swam over there and heard their conversation," He says. His tone makes me look up at him. "What?" I whisper. "Rafe has the cross. They melted it down to sell it," He whispers. "Oh, shit," I groan. "It just keeps getting worse and worse," I mutter. "Did you tell Pope?" I ask.

"Yeah, went straight over. He's pretty messed up about it. He broke a broom and shit and said he was "done being the good guy" before he stormed out," JJ says. "Shit, we just can't win, can we?" I whisper. "I got you. I consider that a win," He smiles, kissing my forehead. "Let's talk to him," He says, sitting up. "John B," He says. "He won't tell me-," I start. "We'll convince him. He can't keep lying to all of us," JJ shakes his head. "Come on," He says, taking my hand.


It takes hours for John B to show up at the Château, and it's almost dark when he does. Dad isn't in the car with him. He freezes when he sees us waiting, shocked. "Well, look who it is," JJ sighs. "Nice of you to show up," He grunts. "You gonna spill the beans?" He asks. John B bites his lip, looking at me. "You gonna tell us the truth about what's going on?" JJ asks. "I'm sorry, y/n," He mutters, his voice breaking. I purse my lips, but something about the look on his face makes me run to him. I wrap my arms around his torso. 

"I didn't want to lie. But he said we would tell everyone when it was over. He said I needed to keep all of you safe and not involve you," He says, his voice shaking. "John B, what's going on?" I ask, pulling back to look at him. "Dad killed two guys," He finally admits, his voice breaking. I step back, shocked. I gasp a shuddery breath, pressing my fingers to my lips. "He was trying to protect me," He says miserably. 

"No, no, no, hold on, okay?" JJ says. "You serious?" He asks. "Yes," John B pleads, staring at me with wild eyes. "It was the guys from the Costal Venture. They came here, looking for Denmark's diary," He explains. "Your dad capped them for that?" JJ spits as I back up slowly. "Yes, and then Singh showed up, and they took dad, and then they tried to kill me," He says quickly. "What?" I ask frantically, finding my voice. "They took him to South America, alright?" He cries. "Woah, South America?" JJ asks. "Yes! They're on their way to South America, alright?" He cries. "Okay, hold on," JJ says, but John B doesn't stop.

"And then what? They're gonna off him? And I don't know!" He yells. "Okay, hold on!" JJ shouts. "I don't know what to do!" "John B stop!" JJ screams. He finally falls quiet, looking at us. I continue to shake, not sure how to process his words. "He's gone?" I whisper. "Just breathe for a second," JJ commands. "I need to think," He says, running his hands through his hair as he paces. He sits down on the step and I sit next to him, if only to stop my shaking legs.

JJ pats the step on the other side of me and John B joins us. "I don't know what to do, guys," John B whispers. "How the hell do we get to South America?" I whisper. "No clue," JJ shakes his head, taking a deep breath. "But...," He sighs, stretching his arm around both of us and pulling us in. "We're gonna figure it out," He says as I lean my head on his shoulder, also putting my arm around John B. "Yeah," John B whispers. "We're Pogues, man," JJ says. "We always do," He says. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now