The Father (In-Law)

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I don't speak the entire way to the Château, holding tightly onto JJ's waist as we ride on his motorcycle. "John B!" JJ calls when we reach the house. He helps me off the motorcycle while a shake, gasping in long, anticipating breaths. "John B?" I call. The porch door slams open and dad - my dad - runs out onto the lawn, freezing when he sees me. "Dad," I whisper, the tears already falling. "Dad," I say again, running to him. 

My arms fly around his neck as he catches me and I laugh in relief, holding him tightly. "Bee," He whispers into my hair. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God. I thought you were dead. You were dead. I thought you were dead," I mutter, shaking my head as tears fall down my cheeks. "I'm alive now," He says, stroking my hair. "I'm so sorry. I should've gone with John B. I should've known- and he said- but I didn't think...," I mutter quickly. "It's okay. It's okay," He laughs. "I'm here now," He says. 

"You've been alive this whole time and you didn't think to call?" I whisper, pulling away from him. "Dad, what the hell happened?" I ask shakily. "That's a story for later," He whispers, kissing my forehead. "John B," I whisper, running to him when I see him over Big John's shoulder. "Oh, my God, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, we didn't have another choice," I cry as I wrap my arms around him. "S'okay," He nods into my hair, wet tears falling from his face. "He's alive. You were right," I grin up at him. "He's alive," John B nods. "And you're never gonna believe what we found, y/n, there's-," He's cut off by the sounds of JJ and my dad. 

JJ yelps happily, jumping on his back and giving him a noggie. They spin in circles, play fighting each other. Big John finally gets JJ off his back, wrapping his big arms around him. "How you been, J?" He grins. JJ and my dad were as close as my dad was to John B and I. It had always been us four hanging out in my teenage years. JJ just smiles, still messing around with him. "Dad," I whisper, walking up to JJ. "We have something to tell you," I smile, lacing my fingers through JJ's. 

He shakes his head, smiling. "I always knew you two would get together," He chuckles. "It's not just that... JJ and I are getting married," I smile, twisting the ring around in my hand. He raises his eyebrows in shock. "Wow, John B and Sarah Cameron, of all people, and now this?" He says. I don't speak, waiting. Finally, he smiles. "I'm happy for you, Bee," He says. I grin, hugging him again. "Happy for you too," He nods, clapping JJ on the shoulder. "You'll take good care of my daughter?" He asks. "Always," JJ nods, kissing my head as he wraps an arm around my waist. 

"Well, then, congratulations," He grins. "I guess I always knew it would be you two. I'm glad you picked him, y/n/n," Dad smiles. "Thanks, dad," I nod, still tight against JJ's side. 

"Listen, I'd love to stay and chat, but there's something I have to take care of," Dad mumbles, not catching my eye. "Wait, hold on, you're leaving?" I whisper. "Just for a night or so, we'll be back tomorrow," He promises. "We? Who's we?" I ask, my face hurt. "Uh, John B and I," He nods. "Woah, woah, wait, where are you going?" I ask. "Dad, dad, seriously?" John B whispers. He looks hurt too. "Look, I promise, I can explain everything as soon as we get back," He nods, starting to walk towards the front of the house. "Wait, dad, you just got back," I say after him, but he doesn't look back. "Let's go, Bird," He nods. 


"I can't believe he would just leave like that," I mumble, keeping my head still against JJ's chest. I sit in JJ's lap in the small surf shack, not willing to leave the Château. "With John B? I mean, what is this? I'm his daughter, too," I whisper. "I know," He mutters, stroking my cheek. 

"Hey!" Kie calls as she comes into the yard. "Hey. What up?" I call back, sitting up, but not moving from JJ's lap. "Uh, Rafe's, what's up," She whispers, stopping at the edge of the shack. "What?" I hiss, jumping up. "What do you mean?" JJ asks. "Rafe's back on the island," She says. "Sarah saw him," Kie says. "Spectacular," JJ groans sarcastically. "It's not just that," She explains.

"She overheard him saying that the cross is coming to Wilmington tomorrow night," She tells us. "Figure he must be trying to sell it," She says. "Great. Does Pope know?" JJ shakes his head. "Yeah, Sarah went to tell him," She nods. "He's locked down," She says. "Uh, y/n, is your- dad here?" She asks. "Was," I nod slowly. "I guess he and John B had some business to take care of," I shrug. "They found the Twinkie, took off in it," I say. 

"What? They left?" She asks. "Yeah," I nod. "They left," I say. "Yeah. Of course. Just when we need them," He shakes his head, running his hand up in down my arm in a comforting motion. I take a deep breath, trying to clear my head. "Wait, hold on, though. We know where the cross is gonna be. That means it's still on the field, okay?" JJ nods. "Alright, so we can come in and swoop. We're still in this guys," He nods. "We gotta get everybody together, and then we'll come up with a plan," He nods.


"Went I went back to Tannyhill, Rafe was on the phone with Ward, and he just kept saying, "My thing. This is my thing"," Sarah explains to us. "He had to be talking about the cross," She says. "Absolutely," Pope agrees. "And, he's coming into Wilmington tonight, at eight o'clock," She says. "And it's being shipped by train from Raleigh to there," She says. "But this is- this is our chance to get it back!" She says. 

"You get any other information?" Pope nods. "Uh, Sarah got the cargo number," Kie says, picking up a slip of paper. "Okay, well that's a start," Pope nods. "Yeah," She agrees. "I mean, they're definitely fencing that shit off as we speak, so we should probably get a move on," JJ says. "Y/n, you heard from John B?" Pope asks. I shake my head. "Dad said they'd be back today, but, obviously their not, so...," I sigh. "But the problem is, they have the Twinkie," I say. "Our transportation," Pope nods.

"Um...," Sarah sighs, thinking. "I could ask Heyward for the truck," Pope suggests. "Uh, what?" JJ asks, looking up at him. "Yeah, that's gonna go well," He nods sarcastically. "I know, but we have no other options," He shakes his head. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now