The Expedition Team

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"So, walk me through it one more time," JJ says to John B, holding up the map of America. The two of them ride in the front of the Twinkie, me leaning over the console to talk to them. "Okay, right there," John B points to the map. "That's where they're taking him, that's the site of the idol," He explains. "You just... you pointed to South America, you understand that right?" JJ asks. John B nods slowly, blowing out air. "Yep," He says. "That's all you know? He's somewhere in South America?" I practically shout. 

"Yes, listen, dude, that's why we're going to the Professor's house, alright!" John B says as JJ groans. "Look he was at the site!" He says. "Okay," JJ sighs. "So happy we have the map then," He mutters. "Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! We're going to a house now with a dead body in it? That... that's where we're going?" JJ freaks out. John B hesitates. "Yeah," He nods. "And if the cops show up, you know what that makes us look like?" I shout, siding with JJ. "Yes," John B nods calmly. "Okay, just making sure," JJ nods. 

"Can we make it quick though? Just in and out?" JJ asks as John B parks the car. We run up to the house, watching over our shoulders cautiously. John B creaks the front door open and we all slide through silently, tip-toeing across the wooden floors. "His body's gone," John B breathes, looking at the empty table. "Sowell was right here," He shakes his head. "And Sowell was the...," JJ asks. 

"The professor," He chokes, looking around the room. John B and Big John has been to see this Professor for some sort of information about the idol when Singh's men had killed him and taken dad. "Right, no, I know what happened. They've already been here John B!" JJ says. "They sent in the sweepers and now they probably decontaminated this entire room. So there's probably nothing left!" JJ groans. "We should get out of here. There's nothing left," I nod. "Okay, maybe there's something!" John B hisses, throwing his hands up. "Okay, what are we looking for then?" JJ asks. "Any... anything that has to do with an archaeological dig," John B says. 

"Oh, thanks, John B, that really narrows it down," I roll my eyes. "I-I-I'm trying," John B sighs. He clears his throat as we all turn to search. "Anything. Alrighty. Freaking anything," JJ shakes his head. "Seriously, man?" He mutters as I search through stacks of papers on the table. "Wait! Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't leave your finger prints, bro! This is a live crime scene, dude!" JJ hisses, wiping off the globe John B just touched. 

"Yeah, you know, actually, I'm just gonna look in the kitchen, alright? No one ever checks the fridge," JJ shakes his head. "Yeah, go for that, man," John B sighs. I open another drawer, still confused as to what we're looking for and who this Professor was. "We were right here," John B mutters, looking around the now empty table. I turn to face him. "Dad, Sowell, the idol," He hisses. "The idol," He whispers again, looking up at me. I raise my eyebrows, shaking my head slightly. "Temalcatl," He whispers, looking at a dresser. "What?" I hiss.

He walks over to the dresser, bending down and grabbing a sheet of paper from underneath it. "JJ," I call quietly, looking over John B's shoulder at the hand sketched drawing with the word, "Solana" on it. John B sighs, dropping the paper so his side. We both move to the kitchen together. "JJ!" I say. His head snaps up out of whatever food he was just eating. Gross. "Hmm?" He asks. "What is it, snack time? What are we doing?" John B groans, looking at the chicken wing in his hand. 

"You know what, I feel very judged right now," He says, glaring at both of us. "Sure," John B nods. "Alright?" He asks. "There's an entire bird in here, that's just gonna go to waste!" He defends. "I'm not gonna let that happen. It's not like I'm stealing it. No one else is gonna eat it. So I was like, you know what, I'll take the nutrients that this beautiful bird gives me and fill the tank, alright?" He asks as John B suddenly grabs an old newspaper from the wall. "I haven't been able to eat something in like- the past few days," JJ continues. "JJ, hey!" John B snaps, quieting him. "Find something?" He asks as the two of us look over his shoulders.

"Yeah," He whispers. "Local expedition team departs for South America," He reads off the paper. "And one of these guys is Sowell?" JJ asks, looking at the picture. "Right there," John B nods, pointing. "Alright," JJ says. "Holy shit," John B says suddenly. "What?" I ask. "Neville," John B whispers. "What?" JJ asks. "Neville, the last thing Sowell said to me before he died was Neville," John B explains. "Neville, meaning...," JJ says as John B turns back to the paper, pointing to a man in the middle row. "Right there," He says. "Neville Persaud," I read. "Expedition guide," JJ whispers. 

JJ looks up at us, eyes wide and mouth open as I grin slightly. "So Sowell said, five people on the expedition, right?" He asks. "Right," JJ nods. "Three of those people died. Which leaves us with two," He says, holding up two fingers. "Sowell," JJ says, putting down one of his fingers. "Mm-hmm," John B says. "Neville," I whisper, pointing to the other finger. "Yeah," John B whispers. "He's the last one alive," JJ says. "Yeah," John B nods. "I think Sowell was telling me to warn him," John B says. Of course. Singh's trying to kill anyone who knows about the idol and where you're supposed to bring it in South America. "We need to find Neville," JJ nods. 


"Okay, now, so, let me get this straight," John B says as we climb out of the Twinkie. "So, because you know a guy," He says. "With the same last name as Neville," I cut in. "You think they've got to be related?" John B finishes. "That's your master plan?" I ask. "Right. Okay, how many people do you know with the last name Persaud?" JJ asks. "I met a guy here last summer with my cousin 'cause we were doing, we were doing the growing business. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah," He nods with us. "Last name, Persaud," He says. "Or wait, was it Percett?" He whispers, stopping in his tracks. 

"No, no, no, no, okay, okay, you think-," John B starts, grabbing his shoulder. "No, no, no, no!" JJ starts to argue. "Or you know?" He finishes. "No, no, cause this is my dad's life, you're talking about!" I yell at him angrily. "No, no, alright, alright," He says, grabbing my shoulders. "No, I know. I know Mr. Persaud," He nods. "Alright, trust me. It's cool," He nods at John B, patting his back. "Hey, uh, uh, Mr. P, right?" JJ calls as we walk up to the market. "Hey!" He laughs.

"Yeah! I told you, yeah, yeah, yeah, what's goin' on, man?" JJ laughs as we walk up to him and his men, assembling stuff on a line. He gives him a fist bump as the man keeps laughing. "Yeah. Hey, so we're looking for... uh, we're looking for Neville... is he still here?" JJ asks. "Nah, nah, nah, he's out there," The man says, pointing over the farmland. "Been holding up near Doe Creek," He tells us. "Doe Creek?" JJ nods, also pointing. "In his house boat, way, way, back," The man nods, pointing down river. 


"Why do you ever doubt me, guys?" JJ shakes his head as we wade down into the creek. "No, it's just the idea was a little far-fetched is all we were saying," I nod. "Alright, so we're looking for a houseboat," JJ says once we're knee-deep in the murky water. A bird squawks and our heads turn to see a large boat in the water a few yards upstream. "That looks like a houseboat," John B nods. "Well, you think he's there?" JJ asks. "I don't know, I mean honestly-," John B starts. "Only one way to find out," JJ nods. "NEVILLE! HEY! NEVILLE!" JJ starts screaming.

 I slap both of my hands over his mouth at the same time John B does. "Dude! Stop it, dude!" John B hisses. "What?" JJ glares. "What are you talking about, what?" I hiss. "He thinks people are trying to kill him! He's probably packing," John B explains. "Ah, okay. It's a deathtrap," JJ sighs. "Yeah, but unfortunately, we don't have a choice," I say. "He's the only guy alive who knows where dad is," John B nods. 

Outer Banks (JJ Maybank x Female Reader) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now