Author's Note - Chapter Edits

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Hello lovelies! Hope everyone has been well!

First of all, I want to thank everyone so much for your patience!As always, thank you for all your support!I wanted to apologize for such crazy updates/schedules. Life has been so busy. Juggling between work, parenting, housework, and fostering kittens. It has been a lot!Enough about me though! Let's get down to it!

Please Read the following:


Chapter Four - The Game is Set is to be published immediately after this note! (June 26, 2023) To those who have technically already read Chapter Four, I wanted to let you all know: There have been some edits to this chapter.Again, do you have to reread it?Hmm, no. Not unless you'd like to!

While Chapter one thru three had minor changes in format or punctuation, this chapter and all future *published* chapters (five thru seven) are likely going to have to more significant edits.


You might be asking yourselves:

Why author? Why are you doing this to us?

I know, I'm sorry! Here's what happened:

Somewhere between chapter five and seven, I began having some serious writers block as well as going through a bit of a rut and simply losing all motivation to write. I struggled to get something out.

I lost some of my notes. Or some of them were too simplified and didn't make any sense anymore... yes, my own notes didn't make sense to me T.T

Please understand that it is only me who writes and edits all these chapters. Writing is usually the fun part. Editing takes a lot out of me though, especially on wattpad because the site just hates me (or whatever).  So when I was writing chapters five thru seven, there was a lot happened, but at the same time, there wasn't enough happening.

I know, that probably doesn't make sense... Let me elaborate a little:

The story was lacking in some context. There was meant to be some more build up for certain things. More interactions with certain characters. And then there was more that I felt should be present in the story that I kept avoiding.

I realized/remembered that there was stuff that I had originally intended to have in the story, but I had thought of it too late when writing up six and seven. After having published them here, I felt the story was too far along now to add them.

Since I have been re-editing everything for the umpteenth time-

 (due to the fact that a lovely reader over on ao3 pointed out a formating error) 

-I have had the opportunity to go back and add some subtle and/or drastic changes to previous chapters. 

As of now, I am much happier with the story and am slowly continuing to edit and publish everything. I have been making small notes for myself to add into the newest chapter when I finally have the chance to write it.

SO, just know that if you decide you don't want to reread old chapters (Which is totally fine!) there might be some missing context for you here or there in future chapters. It shouldn't be anything too crazy, which is why I'm saying, you don't need to reread them. (Like if there is suddenly a new character, or victim death. New relationship or new information.)

I can always make a note to tell people if something big gets changed.


If you've stuck around this long, thank you.

Thank you for taking time to read this and thank you for understanding!

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