Chapter Seven - The Brewing Storm Within

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Please be advised:

This chapter contains content that may be disturbing or triggering for some.
Violence, Alcohold use, and Language used during the time period that this story takes place, among other things.
Reader Discretion Advised.


I've broken down their big date into a few chapters.
This was to hopefully help with any confusion.
The chapter after this will be their date, but in Alastor's perspective. And then moving forward from that.

Thank you so much for your patience while I was away.
I beat the writers block and am back baby!
I am excited to get some more chapters out for you!


The Brewing Storm Within

Fighting with inner turmoil.

I wish I could get a better understanding of these pesky emotions.


It was funny how some days passed so slow, while others went by quick.

From our very first encounter, I knew he was different from others.

He was courteous. Always going out of his way to show respect. Even to those who were less deserving of it.

He liked his privacy. Careful about what he shares and who he shares it with.

He hated his personal space invaded. Recoiling, though it wasn't a physical reaction, but one you could see on his face.

Everytime someone tried so much as a handshake. A pat on his back or brushing against him. There was always a look in his eye. His smile would become tight and sometimes the muscles in his face would twitch. Unless he was the one to initiate it, he prefered that folks kept their distance.

However, this never seemed to be the case when it was an interaction between the two of us. When we were home, I was allowed to be in his space.

And I don't mean the space that is his home, like being in the same room. But seated beside him. Or being near him in a warm embrace. Even if we were out on the town, he always had me pulled close at his side.

We danced often. Holding each other closely. We enjoyed each others company. Or at least I hoped he enjoyed mine as much as I enjoyed his. His arms were one of the places that I always felt safest.

It was hard admitting to myself that I may actually feel something for this strange man. But I do. I can't deny it, for if I continued to do so, I'd only be lying to myself. I don't know how it happened, or when, but I have fallen in love with the man. I'm not even sure what it was about Alastor that made me feel so drawn in.

His passion was always something I admired. The way he could light up a room and the gleam in his eyes when he would come up with some brilliant idea. That charm of his- I swear the man could get away with murder. He could talk himself out of practically anything. Who could forget that deilishly good look he's got about him?

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