Chapter 18: The Book

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Charlie's POV:

After a long day of dealing with hotel stuff, I collapsed exhausted on my bed.

Even with its new success, I haven't made any meaningful progress in redeeming any of the residents, even though sinners keep coming to take advantage of the hotel's hospitality.

This doesn't mean I'm ungrateful for everything I've accomplished. I am so hopeful and confident I'm on the right path, even with all these new obstacles coming my way. After all, this whole journey is worth it if it means a serious change for the better for my people.

Yet, I can't shake the feeling that I'm in a constant loop, stagnating.

I hear my bedroom's door being opened and I raise my head to see Vaggie coming in.

"Hey, babe," she walks to me and sits by my side. "I brought you something."

I glance at her hand in which she spins a candy apple.

"Aww!!" I stand and hug her. "You didn't have to!"

"I've figured you deserved it after such a dreadful day," she smiles, giving me the apple.

I take a bite and then offer her as well. It tastes incredibly sweet.

"Thanks," I lean my head on her shoulder. I feel hers resting on top of mine.

We stay like this for a few quiet seconds, enjoying each other's presence, until Vaggie speaks up: "Charlie, do you ... Do you have any news from your father?"

I bite my lip, slightly frustrated.

"No..." I stand straight. The apple in my hands whirls like an optical illusion. I sigh and resume: "I've been trying to reach him... Reach them. You know my mom's usually busy with her job, but lately ... I dunno. There are all these rumors that he's been missing."

"Lucifer missing? Tough luck," Vaggie snorts. Then, as if she remembered she was talking to me, she quickly adds: "I mean ... it's a good thing they're rumors, right?"

"That's the thing. They might not be only rumors ..." I voice the possible truth. "I haven't heard a word from them since the battle! It's like my father suddenly disappeared. I mean, it's a good thing he's not sending anyone to attack the hotel anymore, but I am worried, you know?"

"Charlie," Vaggie cups my cheek. "He's the King of Hell. I am sure that whatever he's doing, he's alright. I might be even more worried about us."

"Us? Why?"

"We have triumphed. We have humiliated the King of Hell. I don't mean to be insensible, but there's a really good chance that he's secretly plotting the next attack."

"Vaggie! I know when my father is upset! But this is not the case. I mean, he's probably pretty furious with me, but he wouldn't disappear for no reason, without a word."

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