playing cards as tarot card

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I like to use playing cards as a easy way to use tarot when I'm not home. Especially when I don't want people to know I'm doing a reading
I got this "cheat sheet" from these 2 links :)



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Ace of Clubs: Yes, take advantage of this burst of energy.

Two of Clubs: No, there is more to do. Consolidate your plans.

Three of Clubs: Yes, but be patient.

Four of Clubs: Yes, you've done well so far.

Five of Clubs: No, you need to get through this situation first.

Six of Clubs: Yes, absolutely!

Seven of Clubs: Maybe, but you might have to convince others.

Eight of Clubs: Yes, go now. Do that thing!

Nine of Clubs: Yes, but slow down, take it easy.

Ten of Clubs: No. Hunker down; things will improve.

Jack/Knave of Clubs: Yes, if it's safe. No, if there's risk involved.

Queen of Clubs: Yes, and take all the encouragement you can get.

King of Clubs: Yes, but make sure to stand back to see the big picture.


Ace of Hearts: Yes, enjoy this delicious moment.

Two of Hearts: Yes, embrace it.

Three of Hearts: Yes, it's time to have some fun.

Four of Hearts: No, you are not in the right emotional state.

Five of Hearts: No, your heart is too heavy.

Six of Hearts: Yes, and it might have something to do with the past.

Seven of Hearts: Maybe, it depends on your choice of path.

Eight of Hearts: Yes, but slowly and reluctantly.

Nine of Hearts: Yes, all is well.

Ten of Hearts: Yes, now is a great time to reach for fulfillment.

Jack/Knave of Hearts: Yes, but it won't last.

Queen of Hearts: Yes, but be sensitive to the needs of others.

King of Hearts: Very likely, yet hold back a little.



Ace of Spades: Yes, you know the truth.

Two of Spades: No, you can't see the truth yet.

Three of Spades: No, the lines of communication are down.

Four of Spades: Possibly, but you need time to recover first.

Five of Spades: Yes, no, maybe. You must be upfront about your intentions.

Six of Spades: Yes, but take it slowly. Choose the path of least resistance.

Seven of Spades: Yes, if you truly think you should. No, if you are attempting to deceive.

Eight of Spades: No, you just can't. But wait . . . you can if you try hard enough.

Nine of Spades: No, get yourself sorted first.

Ten of Spades: No, it's just not happening, is it?

Jack/Knave of Spades: Yes, but you must be single-minded about your goal.

Queen of Spades: Yes, but make sure you have the truthful version first.

King of Spades: Very likely, but be sure to weigh up all the options analytically



Ace of Diamonds: Yes, everything is in your favor.

Two of Diamonds: Yes, but be organized and in control.

Three of Diamonds: Yes, especially if it's connected to work.

Four of Diamonds: Yes, but you have to free up some resources.

Five of Diamonds: No, you literally cannot afford to take any risks.

Six of Diamonds: Yes or no, depending on whether you are giving (yes) or receiving (not so much).

Seven of Diamonds: Maybe. Are you ready to make a change?

Eight of Diamonds: Yes, as long as you pay attention to the small print.

Nine of Diamonds: Yes, and know that you will have to do it alone.

Ten of Diamonds: Yes, if you have family backing, agreement, or support.

Jack/Knave of Diamonds: Yes, but it will entail hard work.

Queen of Diamonds: Yes, and remember to take care of the practicalities.

King of Diamonds: Yes, you can do anything if you are determined, capable, and hard-working enough.

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