water stuff

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Different types of water and their meanings/uses

Creeks and streams:  Purification, harmony, cleansing

Dew:  General health, eyesight, beauty. Dew is said to be especially powerful if gathered at dawn on Beltane.

Fog and mists:  Creativity, balance, partnerships

Ice:  Transformations, balance, creativity

Pond or lake water:  Peace, contentment, relaxation, self-reflection.

Rain water:  Energy, protection, cleansing.

Storm water: strength, courage, confidence

River water:  Cleansing, moving forward, protection

Seawater:  Health, magical power

Snow:  Transformations, balance

Spring water:  Growth, holy water, cleansing, protection, prosperity

Swamp and waste water:  Banishing, binding

Waterfalls:  Power, energy, success

Well water:  Healing, wishes, intuition

Beaches:  Rituals, spells, fascinations, meditations

Harbors:  To promote abundance and prosperity; to serve as an aid in banishing things

Riverbanks:  To increase personal power


Water witch stuff

-The first rain that falls in the month of May is considered sacred to the Water Witch



-fresh water
-cleansing tools
-crystals (optional)

step 1: cleanse the jar

step 2: put water in jar and leave out under the full moon (other phases can work too) for several hours or overnight. Say your intentions over the water



Water (tap, purified, rain, fresh - follow your preference and what's available to you)


Jar or Bottle

Paper (optional)

Pen/Pencil (optional)


Fill your jar or bottle with your preferred type of water. 

Place your jar outside or on a windowsill that gets good sunlight. South-facing windows get the brightest all-around light. East-facing windows are great for sunrise energy and west-facing for sunset energy.

For more focused intention, write your desire on a small piece of paper and fold. Place your folded paper under the jar of water to direct the sun's energy. You can also speak your intention over the water when you place it out in the sun. 

It's best for the water to be in the sun for at least an hour if possible. You can also use specific times of day (more info in sun section) to further focus the energy of the water towards your desired intentions. Sun Water is potent, so a little goes a long way - even a drop will add a healthy amount of power to your workings. 



*make sure the roses are save to use if you are going to use it on your face or anything else*

-Fresh rose petals

-Distilled or filtered water

*the rose to water ratio is one part rose petals to two parts water*

-Double boiler (I make my own with a metal bowl and pot)

-Fine mesh strainer/cheese cloth

-Mason jar for storing

1.In the double boiler, add rose petals and water. On low/med heat simmer water and petals until they lose their color. You do not want a hard boil here, just a light simmer.

2.Once the petals are done simmering, remove from heat and allow the water to cool. Once cool, strain the water into a mason jar. Store in the refrigerator or cool dark location. It will last for about a year.

3.I used a bright pink rose for my water, so the water took on the same beautiful color. You can use a different colored rose such as yellow or peach, but your water will have a different look.

Steam distilled method- this a more traditional way of making rosewater that involves distilling water in a pot with rose petals, allowing the rose to infuse into the water. This method is more involved and time consuming, but would yield a great product in the end.

Cooking method – this is done by adding the rose petals and water to a double boiler, and slowing simmering until the color has left the petals. It's a quick method that is less labor intensive, but the end product may not be as strong as if steam distilled.

Hot water infusion – and even quicker method, this involves placing the rose petals in a jar, pouring boiling water over them, and allowing it to sit for several hours.

things to use for: toner, face mist, put into baths, love spells, love rituals, love bath rituals, relaxation, perfume



(more coming soon)

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