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This is from the book "The teen witches guide to spells" by Xanna Eve Chown
This is one of my favorite books, I found it at Barnes and noble for 6$
Everything in this chapter its notes/ info from the book. (Wanted to be able to have the info every where I go)

In total-

Different types of magic
Preparing for spell casting
Spells for you
Spells for your home
Spells for school
Spells for friends
Spells for luck
Spells for love
Spell finder

Part one:
Different types of magic
Preparing for spell casting

Part two:
Spells for you
Spells for your home
Spells for school

Part three:
Spells for friends
Spells for luck
Spells for love
Spell finder



What's in your spell box? (Ideas)
Candles, compass, crystals, oil burner and essentials oils, incense and holder, herbs, pen and paper/ notebook, fabrics in different houses, ribbons, scissors, sewing tread/ sewing kit. small containers for water, herbs, salt, etc.

you can cast successful spells without a wand, but using one can add power and energy. You can buy one or make one.

Different types of wood and their meanings(if want to make one):
Apple- love and healing
Birch- caring and nurturing
Blackthorn- wisdom and protection
Cedar- life
Elder- protection
Elm- love
Fir- birth
Hawthorn- protection and marriage
Hazel- wisdom and communication
Holly- sleep and luck
Ivy- mystery and marriage
Oak- strength and courage
Willow-  imagination
Yew- protection and renewal


1. cut a stick so that it is the length of your arm, from the tip of ur middle finger to your elbow

2. Take off the bark, can use sandpaper

3.can leave like this or can add things to it to decorate it.

4. Before you use it hold wand and charge it with magical energy
can say these words:

Oh, unseen powers of the universe,
I am taking my first step along the path
Of knowledge. Bless and charge this wand with your strength. Help me to use is wisely and well


Many spells need a particular time of day, some need the moon, or others need the sun. Each day of the week has a unique energy and power.

Sunday- ambition, fun, truth, and success

Monday- emotions, dreams, and imagination

Tuesday- courage, energy, protection, and confidence

Wednesday- communication and info

Thursday- luck, wealth, and success

Friday- dating, friendship, and love

Saturday- tests, patience, and protection


The moon is a vital element in many spells
New moon- new wishes, loves, projects, good time for new beginnings

Waxing- it is the best time to give extra strength to spells that have already began or strengthen one that already exists. Its a good time for luck spells

Full moon- gives great magical power and is perfect for healing spells, good time to charge magical objects

Waning- is the best time to cast spells that work to lessen or remove something negative

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