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not sure where else to put this

Can help change your perception of time.

-ring (any ring can do)

Can be put on any finger but middle finger on dominant hand can be best/easier

Time to go slower: twist ring towards you and say " time will go slower until(say when you want your spell to end)

Time go faster: twist away from you and say "time will go faster until (say when you want your spell to end)"

(found off of Pinterest)



best to do before a shower


-8 teaspoons ground cinnamon

-8 teaspoons course salt

-2 quarts water

1.in a pitcher combine cinnamon, salt and water and say the incantation "with the protection of cinnamon and salt, and the cleansing purity of water, negative forces, i banish thee away from me. i release you; you may not stay. negative energy, be on your way, so mote it be."

2. once finished, pour mixture onto your body from neck down, cleansing negativity from you

(the book of spells by Anastacia Graywolf)



-tigers eye

-anointing oil (see how to make in the herb section)

-small glass jar

-black tea leaves

-2 dried bay leaves

-1 cinnamon stick

1. anoint the tigers eye. then place in at the bottom of the jar, then the tea leaves, bay leaves, and cinnamon stick

2. focus on intention for courage and say the incantation "oh, blessed goddess, enchant this jar. let this represent the strength i have inside of me, and allow it to grow. let this charm bring out my courage. grant me the power to speak and to act."

(the book of spells by Anastacia Graywolf)



-5 drops of orange essential oil

-2 tablespoons of carrier oil of choice

-black peppercorns

-pinch of dried basil

-pinch of dried thyme

-orange sachet

-red ribbon or tread

1. blend orange oil and carrier oil and sprinkle the peppercorns, thyme, and basil. then put it into the sachet saying the incantation. "blessed goddess, grant me the strength of a bear and the fearlessness of a lion. allow me bravery and truth. grant me courage for today and tomorrow. oh goddess, bless me the strength and fearlessness, to do what i must, blessed be."

2.tie the bag with the red ribbon or thread. keep it close to you always(in a bag or purse or pocket, etc.) and under your pillow when you sleep

3. on next full moon replace the herbs and speak the incantation again.

Grimorie/ Book of shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now