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Different colors and their meanings

Black- detoxifying, grounding, powerful healing, protection, security, support in grief, banishing

Blue- calm, healing, health, kindness, meditation, patience, sincerity, tranquility

Bright orange- happiness

Bright pink- creativity, glamour

Bronze/ brown- clarity, common sense, detoxifying, experience, grounding, longevity, prosperity, stability, strength

Dark blue- peace, spirituality, tranquility

Gold- attraction, balance, creativity, changing, luck, elegance, energy, fertility, joy, prestige, prosperity, success

Green- abundance, children, earth, feeling grounded, fertility, friendship, good luck, growth, healing, money, nature, renewal, success, wealth

Grey- shielding, self defense, neutrality

Lavender- intuition, peace, protection, spiritual growth

Magenta- adds speed to spells, action

Orange- ambition, attraction, success, uplifting, thoughtfulness, joy, changing luck, courage, creativity

Peach- simple joy, strength, peace, truth

Pink- forgiveness, friendship, romance, unconditional love, self love, happiness, calm

Purple- authority, intuition, divination, psychic power, guidance, success, wealth, wisdom

Red- passion, bravery, lust, romantic love, strength, courage, motivation, power, protection,

Silver- the goddess, inner confidence, cleansing, healing, moonlight, peace, truth

Teal- tranquility, healing, imagination, spirituality, wisdom

Violet- creativity, dreams, healing intuition

White- all purpose, peace, truth, protection, (can stand for any color)

Yellow- focus, intelligence, logic, clarity, new ideas, will power, balance, confidence, happiness


(more colors coming soon)

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