days and hours

4 0 0


planet: moon

colors: silver, white, blue 

crystals: moonstone, pearl, selenite

herbs/oil/incense: lemon, wormwood, jasmine 

spells and rituals: glamour, sleep, peace, dreams, emotions, travel, fertility, wisdom, medicine, cooking, faerie, goddess



planet: mars

colors: red black, orange

crystals: bloodstone, ruby, garnet

herbs/oil/incense: basil, dragons blood, patchouli

spells and rituals: courage, victory, success, strength, defense, ward, protection, revenge, enemies, hunting, politics, 



planet: mercury

colors: purple and orange

crystals: citrine, agate, aventurine

herbs/incense/oils: lavender, eucalyptus, sweet pea

spells and rituals: communication, art ,change, luck, gambling, fortune, chance, creativity, conscious mind, divination, wisdom, travel



planet: Jupiter

colors: blue, purple, and green

crystals: amethyst, lepidolite, sugilite

herbs/incense/oils: Melissa, clove, cinnamon, musk

spells and rituals: abundance, protection, prosperity, strength, wealth, healing, leadership, generosity, success, controlled optimism



planet: Venus

colors: pink and aqua

crystals: jade, lapis lazuli, rose quartz

hers/incense/oils: rose, yarrow, vanilla, saffron

spells and rituals: love, birth, fertility, romance, friendship, passion, reconnection, beauty, relationship, marriage, sex, pleasure, nature



planet: Saturn

colors: black and purple

crystals: obsidian, coral, jet, hematite

herbs/incense/oils: cypress, myrrh, patchouli

spells and rituals: banishing, protection, wisdom, spirituality, cleansing, meditation, psychic attacks, locating lost items, self discipline 



planet: sun

colors; gold and yellow

crystals: carnelian, amber, tigers eye

herbs/incense/oils: cedar, frankincense, lemon

spells and rituals: success, promotion, fame, wealth, prosperity, healing, hope, fortune, work, power



dawn: breaking curses, beauty and glamour spells. sea and water spells. delicate feelings, friendship, and romance, forgiveness spells

morning: fertility, good luck, green/herbal, intuition and justice. best time to brew potions. 

noon: wealth, career, success, motivation, confidence, and courage. kitchen magic

afternoon: the time to gather herbs. communication, and travel protection

evening: psychic protection, peace, balance. kitchen and pop culture magic?spells

twilight: catalysts, movement, growth, astral travel, divination, love and lust.

evening: curses, hexes, banishing, binding, space. dream magic.

midnight: creativity, switching between realms

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