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Wake up honey,Sarah just posted a new story)

I wake up from my long ass nap,me and Pavi went out all night last night,therefor being exhausted.

I went to the kitchen and sat on the counter,wanting to call Pavitr.He didnt pick up.

"Huh.Maybe his sleeping"
I went to the fridge and picked out eggs and bacon.After frying,I placed it on the table,with my warm milo.A few minutes later after getting ready,I decide to call him again.He didnt pick up.
Maybe because his showering.I began to be indenial,trying not to think of the negative things that could be happening right now.An hour later,PAVITR STILL HASNT CALL.

"This isnt like him he always picks up"
I called multiple times but he didnt pick up.
Fuck it im going to his house,his a nerd aint no way he cheating on me either.

I went to take my hoodie and wore it.I took my phone and wallet and left my house,riding the bus to his house.A few minutes later,she reached to his house.Before coming in,she knocked on the door.No one answers.Anxiety starts flowing through.She then opens the house door,Pavitr always dont lock his door.He always says "No one can rob me Im spiderman"I stepped into his house.The kitchen and livingroom was empty.I slowly opened his room door.

I see Pavitr laying on his bed.He looked pale and sick.
"Pavi are you okay?"I sat on his bed beside him
"Y/n..."he smiles at me,picking up his hands gently and carressed my cheek.
"Why are you still in bed?Are you alright?You look pale."
I touched his forhead.He was having a high fever.
"Oh my days,your sick Pavitr"I said as my eyes widen.
"No im not im spiderman"he smiles trying to comfort me.
"Spiderman my ass,your sick.You would be up right now if your not sweetheart"I frowned at him puting my arms on my hips.
"I-Im not,Im fine.Now move girlfriend.Your boy has to be spooderman."he says as he slowly sits up.
"Your fucking delusional Pavitr."I pushed him back to his bed gently.He laid back down.I went to his kitchen looking for medication for his fever.I took some pills and syrups and water.I went back to his room.

"You need this."I placed the medicines and drink at the side of his bed table.
"Better eat this up okay?After that Ill make food for you"I smiled,putting my hands behind his back,slowly letting him sit up.His hair looked messy,he looked like he hasnt shower.
"You should shower,Pavitr.Cmon ill help you shower"I raised my eyebrows.
"Wh-WHAT no no no need ill just stay"he says shyly.
"But your body temp.."I mumbled
"F-Fine.But just stay outside the shower curtain okay?"he blushed shyly.

I nodded in agreement,I held his hand and slowly walked him to the shower.I pulled up his shirt,he can pull down his pants himself,since he wanted to.I went to his wadrobe and took a tank top and shorts.I went back to the toilet.
"Ill place your clothes and towel here.Once your done tell me Ill pass it to you."
He nods shyly to me.After showering and getting him ready,I sat him on the bed.I took the face towel to dry his long hair.
"We'll do your hair routine then take your medicine.unless you want to eat first?"I asked
"Eat first,then medicine.Im scared i lose my appetite"he replied before sneezing.
"Okay,Ill dry your hair"I rub the towel on his hair,and then brushed it neatly.After that,I rub in coconut oil.I looked up at him.He was gazing at me,his eyes softens as our eyes meet.He then smiled at me.I smiled at him back,kissing his forhead mumbling'cutie'.

After making him porridge and chicken soup,I placed it at the other side of the table,going over the opposite of the bed.
"Cmon lets eat up"I picked up the porridge,feeding it to him.Then,I feed him the chicken soup.His face looked better.

"Thank you,y/n.your the best.I love you so so much"his eyes was twinkling.
"Of course Pavi,"I placed my hand on his cheek,carressing it.I then got ready the medicine for him.He ate them slowly and drink some water.
"Sleep okay?Ill be at the living room"As i was about to leave,he then gently grab my arms.
"No-Nonono."he whines.
"Stay beside me please,"he said with begging eyes.I smiled at him softly.
"Okayy Pavi,"He then lays down,slowly dozing off.

Two hours later,he was still sleeping.I felt sleepy too.I dont think he would mind me sleeping next to him.I slowly went up to him,pulling off my hoodie,revealing my t shirt.I gently laid next to him on his bed.He then slowly opened his eyes from the movement.
"y/n..."he says softly,smiling at me.
"Sorry pavi,go back to sleep okay?"I smiled back at him.He then reached his arms and grabbed my waist,pulling me closer to him.I was blushing hard.
"Sleep next to me,sweetie"he whispers.He tightly wrapped his arms around me.I whispered a okay to him,putting my head on his chest and wrapping my arm around him.I cant with him.I love him too much.No matter what mood he is or how he is,he will never raise his voice at me.His gentle to me and my heart.I love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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