Dancing in eachothers arms

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Ive cleaned up my room the whoke day since Pavi is coming to my house for a sleepover.My mom hasnt came back from her business trip so I invited him.It was his first sleepover so I wanted to make his first the best.I opened the door and let him in.
"Im so so excited for this sleepover.I brought my Transformer magazine hehehehehehehehe"he cackled mischievously.
I bursted out laughing the way he laughed.His so goofy bruh.I let him in and close the door.I took his bag and placed it at the front of my door.I realised that it was quiet heavy.I then curiously opened his bag while he was in the toilet showering.He brought his transformers toy,medication and A SPIDERMAN SUIT?!
My jaw dropped.I slowly turned around as I can sense that Pavi was behind me.
His face looked flabbergasted.
"Pavi-what the fuck"
"I-I-I can explain,I just-"he started breaking down.Tears started rolling down his cheek.
"Pavi dont cry..Im not angry,"
"I wanted to tell you im spiderman but i was afraid u wouldnt want to hang out with me and i really really dont want to lose you"
My gaze soften on him.He just stood there sobbing.I went towards him and grabbed his hand.He wasnt wearing anything accept shorts.I then.
"I dont care whoever you are.I love you for you.I understand why you kept this from me..Dont cry anymore.I dont want to see to you sad okay?"i comforted him.
"Im sorry,please dont leave me,"
"I wont leave you no matter what"
He was still sniffling but tears stopped rolling down his face.I rubbed his cheek with my thumbs.
His hair was still wet after his short shower.I then told him to sit on my bed while i dry his hair.I took a towel and rubbed his hair.A nice lavender scent was on his hair.I lover the way he smell.
I then grabbed one of his shirts from his bag and helped him wear it.I gave a small peck on his cheek and went to place the towel back in the toilet.i went back and sat on the bed.
"How is it like being spiderman?"
"Wwelll its really tiring but i have spidey senses so I can sense when you're or anyone is dangerous."
"Damnnn,Im glad you could save me.You know...
Finding out your spiderman makes you look and sounds hotter"i whispered.He faced the other way trying to hide his face from blushing.
"I-Im not that attractive,Y/N."
"Your very,very attractive,you cant deny me."I frowned at him.
"Pfft,whatever you say.."
A few minutes went by,we were talking about Spiderman and transformers,nerdy,but interesting shit he loves.I love it when he talks about nerdy things.Its really cute.
After our conversations,I went to take a shower.
I then took out his shirt out of his bag.
"Hey!Why are u taking my shirt,"
"Because I want to use your shirt.And then keep whats mine forever."
Pavitr grinned as he slowly walked up to me.I then started to become nervous.
*shit what is he-*
"Claiming whats yours huh?"he pins me onto the toilet door.
"Y-yes.."my breath starts becoming more heavy and heavier.He leans in closer to my face.He kissed my cheeks,my jawline,then my neck.He stops there and starts biting onto my neck.
"Pav-"i stuttered.My mind was racing.I loved what he was doing.But im too shy to say anything
"Now Ive claimed whats mine."He smirked.I can tell he was flustered already.I then went closer to kiss he lips and whispered "I love u"
I close the door.My heart was racing.I cant believe that just happened.I looked into the mirror.There was a purple mark on my neck.It didnt hurt,it felt good.I decided not to cover it up.As soon as i left the toilet,I see Pavitr near my speaker.
"What song should we listen to?" He asked
"A-anything you want,"I replied
He turned around and faced me.
"Are you alright?Im sorry if I gave u the hickey I jus-"
"N-no its not that.Its just that,I..I really loved that."i blushed.His face looks flusstered.
"Im glad you liked.Just,ask me when you want it again."he smirks.
I giggled and I asked him to turn on "I Wanna Be Yours"by Arctic Monkeys.We started humming together .We both laid down on my bed,then once it came to our favourite part,he grabbed my hands and we stood.We were giggling because of how ass our dancing kills,but we were having fun.We then picked up a pace,he placed his hands on my waist and i placed my hands onto his shoulderWe shook slowly to the beats of the song.Music filled the room.We then stared at eachother lustfully.We pulled in closer for a kiss.I really love love him.I guess this makes it official that we love eachother?
Once the music ended,he then carried me to my bed.He went to the otherside and faced towards me.He put his hands on his cheek.
"Yes pavi?"
"Would u want to be mine?My girlfriend"
I smiled
"Your finally confessing to me?Took you long enough."
He looked confused.
"Yes,I want to."He's facial expression changed into a soft happy smile.I came closer to him and went under his shirt,hugging him tightly.He then took off his shirt,revealing his scars.I glanced at them and smiled.All this scars from helping people in need.I kissed each one of them.His heart beat was soft and nice.He placed his chin on my head,wrapping his arms around my neck,kissing my forhead.We then fell asleep together

Pavitr Prabhakar/Spiderman x Y/NHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin