bills pov

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When I walked back in my room I closed my door
I could hear everything that tom and lexi were doing

Maybe I was a dick to lexi but I basically lost my brother I had no one else.

gustav and gorge had actual life's and families so they were busy a lot

I caught a habit when I was alone for awhile
Not a good habit

I lifted my bed up a little pulling out a baggy
I'm not sure what was in it but It's pretty expensive and takes the edge off

I was bullied a lot growing up for looking to gay or to skinny or how my style was
I hated myself

Tom was my other half and now it's like i don't even exist to him.

I missed him so much

I know what your thinking.
Go talk to him or he's in your house or whatever

His happiness kept me alive
Lexi wasn't a bad girl or anything

But she took the tom I knew away from me

Me an tom and gorge and gustav use to be able
to go perform full tours and go partying and just have an actual life together

And yes people wanna know about me and T
We do drugs together
That's it.

No one even notices though.
I would of thought

Maybe tom
Just maybe
But no he's to hung on lexi

"Tom yess right there" was all I heard coming from the living room

Tom was really defensive over her
So there's nothing I could do

T jumped threw my window

"Again?" She sighed walking over to me
"It's like a never ending orgasm" I reply looking over at her
"Go talk to them tell them to get place or something" She shrugged taking a blunt out and lighting it up
"Yeah like they'd listen" I laugh hesitantly putting the bag up to my nose
"Oh right" She laughed back

I sniffed into it instantly as my eyes dilated
i fell back into the bed looking up at the ceiling

"What even is that" T asked

I shrugged

"Not sure" I let out
"I hired a hooker to fuck me so i'd probably leave soon" I added

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