memory loss

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I woke up in a hospital bed with a bandage covering my side

"Hello mr kaulitz" A voice came from the door
"Hey did you see a girl come in with me or anything" I asked sitting up gently
"No we didn't" He replied looking at my side
"Any pain" he added
"Not really" I said as he was checking the wound

Where did she go..

"When can I leave?" I asked the doctor
"When we finish making sure your surgery went well" He replied
"Don't you do that after the surgery" I asked
"Yes but we're just double checking" He smiled

I felt an uneasy feeling about all of this but I end up remembering what I heard before I passed out from a lack of blood

I end up bolting up from the bed away from the doctor and running but limping down the hall holding my side because an instant pain hit as I got up

They couldn't catch me even if they wanted to

I bust out of the doors and hide around the side breathing in

The pain got worse by the second but I'm not sure what was happening

Fuck where did she go

I limped through the snow not knowing where I was but I started getting mad
Like really mad at myself

"Fuck!" I yelled punching a tree

Instant regret

I held my hand as I kept walking trying to figure out where I was but it was no help I didn't even know how I got here

I had no other choice but to go back in to the hospital to get the information I needed to find out who put me here or how I even got here

I tried casually walking back in not being noticed
I walked up to the front desk

"Hello how may I help you" A lady said behind the desk
"I just got discharged from the hospital and I need my clothes and I also wanna know where my girlfriend went if she's here" I added
"What's her name hun" the lady asked as she started typing on her computer
"Lexi" I told her

She took a minute looking through her computer

"We don't have a lexi at this hospital" She said looking up at me
"What?" i said
"She wouldn't just leave me" I added getting mad
"I can check our other locations" she added trying to comfort me
"Please" I quickly reply inpatient now

She goes back to looking at her screen

"Okay we have a location In LA but I need her last name hun" she looked at me
"LA?" I snapped looking at her crazy
"She wasn't in LA she was here just 24 hours ago" I added
"This is what I see here but i'm not sure it's her if I don't have a last name sweets" She replied
"my clothes?" I asked
"Your not gonna be able to have your clothes the police are doing an investigation right now" She said looking through my file

I inhaled before rushing outside to get fresh air

"Fucking LA" I snapped into a whisper almost in tears
"They couldn't of.." I added into my own whispers

I didn't know what to do I felt like I was going insane or something

My eyes darted forward but before my mind could have any choice my legs just bolted

I ran and ran until I was in the middle of no where

I stopped, breathing in the cold air and looking up at the sun beaming down at me

I kept walking slowly

My house, I seen it from here making me run towards it quickly

I ran inside

"Lexi?" I yelled but no response
"baby!" I yelled again running upstairs seeing all of our things scattered everywhere but still no her.

I punched a hole in the wall from the anger that was inside me before the tears burst from my eyes

If I go back to america i'll be killed but
if I don't i'll never see her again

I can't live like that

I laid my head back against the wall sliding down against it breathing heavily from all the cold air I inhaled from the run


Shit clothes clothes

I got up taking the gown off of me putting some boxers on and put some pants on after and a hoodie

I ran downstairs to the phone on the wall and dialed bills number that I knew by heart

"Pick up pick up" I whispered to myself

"Hello?" A voice came from the other side
"Bill" I instantly yelled into the phone
"TOM?" He yelled back at me
"Y-yes" I stuttered missing bill more then ever now
"Where the fuck have you been where are you!" He snapped into the phone
"I can't tell you and you can't get involved have you seen lexi?" I said quickly and impatient
"Yeah she's at the hospital.." He replied
"What what?" I said concerned
"Tom I need to know what happened and why she can't remember who we are" He quietly said

I inhaled feeling my heart speed up from what bill just said

"Tom?" Bill spoke through the phone
"Wha- What do you mean she don't remember us" I quietly said
"She don't remember anything and she said something about snow." He said
"We moved here because of my exs dad would of killed me if I didn't bill and he took lexi because he told me not to be with anyone else" I breath into the phone not getting over the fact he just said the love of my life don't remember me

Bill gasp into the phone in a panic

"Tom she's never gonna know who we are again" Bill cried out pacing back in forth

I could hear it from the other side of the phone

"I'll be there in less then 24 hours." I said quickly before hanging up and getting my shit and her clothes packed

Did she really forget who I am?

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