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A couple minutes later it went black
Pitch black

"Tom Tom!" was all I heard while the pain kicked in a lot worse

There was a lot of coldness but my body quickly heated up after i felt the chills

I opened my eyes slowly breathing out blood basically

"Tom" the voice cracked into tears while the hand's trembled cupping my face
"Your okay, your gonna be fine" her voice came into view with her face now

She was crying uncontrollably
The snow was falling on our bodies

I couldn't get any words out but my heart broke for her because I couldn't do anything to make her okay.

Then the next thing I seen and heard was a lot of screaming and fighting before I went back out and my body went limp


"please he's dying" I cried out trying to move out of the grip of the guy taking me away
"He'll be fine" The man simply said pushing me into a car

I don't know how to be without tom.
He's all I know
We were suppose to start a quite life here

"How do you know" I snapped looking at him enter the car sitting in the front seat
"He's going to be taken to the hospital and he'll return back to the house after" He replied shutting the window that covered the back

I slumped back in my seat looking out the window as tears stung my eyes

What if I never see tom again?
What if he dies?

I choked up on my tears watching the snow pass by as the car sped down the road

We got to the airport
Everything felt numb
my clothes and my hands were covered in toms blood.

People were looking at me as I passed by with all these big men walking around me

i kept my head down as I passed by being pushed through people

I didn't know where I was going or what would happen
I wanted to be with tom but I couldn't so I didn't really care where I was if It wasn't gonna be with him

I felt a small pressure in my chest as I was being forced into a private jet

"Sit now we're gonna be back in america soon" The man said in a loud voice making me look up at him
"What" I yelled
"Toms here I can't just-" I got cut off by a guy putting tape over my mouth and something being put over my head

I couldn't breath
I passed out soon after from a lack of air

Something was injected into me though because before i passed out I felt it.


We just got back from tour and I got home lastnight
There was a welcome back party
I wish tom was here

He's been missing for a bit but so was lexi
I don't think anything bad happened but atleast I hope nothing bad happened

I woke up with a headache from the drinking I did

"Hello?" I yelled in my tired voice as I heard something bang on my front door

I hurried to the door opening and seeing someone i've never thought i'd see again..

"Lexi..?" I let out into a whisper looking over a big man next her
"Where's tom?" Was my first thought
"Who-" Lexi looked over at me

The big guy left quickly leaving me with her

"Lexi where's tom?" I ask again
"Who's tom?" Lexi softly said looking confused
"Tom my brother" I say a bit concerned now
"Who are you?" She let out making me worry more
"Your joking with me right?" I say

She just shook her head then I notice her blood stained hands and shirt

I started freaking out

They left for a couple months now their back but tom isn't here?
How does this make sense

"Lexi do you know where you are" I asked softly
"Lexi?" She asked more confused now
"That's your name" I felt my heart break a little

"oh" She whispered looking past me

I looked down

She couldn't tell me where tom was and it wasn't her fault
What was I suppose to do?

"I think we should get you to a doctor" I softly said trying not to cry
"What's a doctor" She questioned as I put some shoes on that were by the door
"Their going to help you" I said shutting my door
"No I don't need help" She said quickly as I walked out

I tried grabbing her hand but she pulled away yelling

"No!" She yelled
"Lexi don't make a scene" I said confused
"I don't wanna go I wanna stay" She said but she started crying making me concerned for her

Why was she crying?

"Are you okay" I asked looking at her

She got up quickly looking around

"Where'd the snow go?" She asked looking at me now
"Snow?" I asked
"The pretty snow" she replied
"I don't know what your talking about" I huffed

I had no choice but to make her get help she sounded crazy
She stopped crying and I got her into the car by telling her i'd take her back to the snow

I pulled up to the hospital

"This isn't snow" She said turning to me
"Lexi you need help" I gave her a remorse look
"I don't need help I don't even know who you are" She snapped
"You do" I yelled now
"My brother was your boyfriend and i'm his brother your bestfriend" I added
"what?" she replied

She really didn't remember making my heart hurt more

I got out walking over to her door and opening trying to get her out

I basically had to fight her to get her inside the hospital but I did it

The doctors really got worried when I told them what the case was so they instantly took her back

I hope she's okay..

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