Chapter 15 (Part 2)

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And so it continues...


That son of a bitch.

"Jack, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Oh. Sorry Elsa, I have to go!"

"But wait! Aren't you going to help me?"

"I am. I'll explain later, there's just something I have to do first."

Elsa gave me a confused look. I wanted to tell her what I was doing, but I needed to prove my suspicions first. I left the dining hall and made my way to my dorm, hopefully to find what I was looking for. And sure enough, he was there, making out with some random girl with fire engine red hair. They each stopped kissing when they saw me and the girl quickly grabbed her shirt and zoomed out the door. I slammed the door behind me as soon as the girl left.

"Tell me it isn't true."

Hiccup looked at me like I was the crazy one.

"Jack, what are you talking about?"

"Don't lie to me! You know what you did, you demented bastard!"

"Jack, I've done a lot of things. You're going to have to be more specific", he said sarcastically. He must really want me to hurt him.


He looked at me with a shocked expression and then he nodded. There was an awkward silence for what felt like an entirety before I finally broke it.

"Why? Why did you do it? How could you do something like that?!"

What happened next really scared me. And NOTHING scares me. Hiccup started laughing.

"Oh Jack, isn't obvious? She was an easy target. She was so innocent; probably a virgin. Well, not anymore", he said with a devious smirk.

I felt like I was on the verge of puking. This guy is insane!

"But why?? What did Anna do to you that she could have possibly deserve that?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to see her suffer, just like I had to!"

"Wait, what?! So that's why you did, because your girlfriend dumped you?!"

"She didn't just dump me, she cheated on me! What did I do to deserve that?! Nothing! I was loyal, loving, and understanding and how does she repay me? By sleeping with another guy. For three months!"

I could see Hiccup was upset and even though what he did was just awful, I felt bad for him. He was still my friend and I wanted to be there for him until the very end. After a few minutes of him sobbing like a big baby, I finally got Hiccup to calm down and sit beside me.

"Look Hiccup, I'm sorry about Astrid. Really, I am, but what you did is unforgivable. But you're still my friend and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt. Can you just tell me what happened?"

*Sighs* "OK. It started around dinner time."



I made my way to the cafeteria after finishing up my homework. I've always liked doing extra credit so I could stay ahead of the game. But tonight, I didn't feel like myself. I started thinking about Astrid and how she hurt me really bad. It really didn't help ease the pain that I'd been hooking up with just about every girl in my grade. But what would help is my secret flask of whisky a brought for special occasions. I drank about half the flask until I felt it kick into my system and started feeling drowsy. I started making my way back to my dorm when I noticed two really cute girls sitting at a table near the exit. I approached them.

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