Frost Queens past

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The group comes out of the portal as they take in the atmosphere around them and look around, confused, to see that what is a frozen wasteland to them is flourishing and full of life at this time. They thought that Frost Queen Cookie had always lived in frigid areas, but they would never expect her to live in a place like this. Not even Sea Fairy can remember the area where she was like this. Moonlight Cookie turns to Timekeeper, annoyed, as she thinks that she has taken them to the wrong place.

Moonlight Cookie: "I knew you'd do something wrong; you've brought us to the wrong place."

Timekeeper Cookie: "I didn't; this was the right place."

Moonlight Cookie: "Timekeeper, this place looks nothing like where Frost Queen lives; she lives in the tundra. This place does not even have one single snowflake on the ground. It is actually quite hot outside. How could you possibly think that this is the correct place?"

Timekeeper Cookie: "But I."

Millennial Tree Cookie: "Okay everybody, calm down. I'm sure the younger Cookie is probably somewhere nearby. Timekeeper knows where she's going... At least 35 to 40% of the time, so those are not the chances that we're at least somewhere near her if we just look for her. I'm sure that will find her eventually."

Moonlight Cookie: "Okay, fine, we will look for her."

The group split up to look for the younger version of Frost Queen Cookie, listening out for an old name that she used to be called but also trying to blend into the background and not get caught for time traveling. They knew that she used to go by the name Frost Cookie, but they listened around and couldn't hear a name even similar to that, which was odd considering how small the town was. The group met back up near the fountain to discuss what to do next.

Moonlight Cookie: "I told you that she wasn't here now. We probably all look like a group of weirdos looking for someone who isn't even here."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "moonlight cookie It's okay; we could ask if someone named Frost Cookie lives here, and I'm sure that they'll tell us where she is."

Wind Archer Cookie: "But what if she really isn't here? What will we do then?"

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Then we will find the closest tundra and look there."

The group heads to a local police station to ask if anyone named Frost Cookie lives there. The police say that no one even close to that name had lived there before, and they have no records of this person. They think of the police as they walk out of the building, disappointed that they were unable to find Frost Cookie, but as they are about to leave the small town, they see a familiar face.

Sea Fairy Cookie: "Guys, look there; it's her."

Black Pearl Cookie: "But I thought the police said that she didn't live here."

Sea Fairy Cookie: "But there's no way that's not her; it looks just like her."

Millennial Tree Cookie: "Maybe she changed her name later in life."

Timekeeper Cookie: "Well, then how are we supposed to keep track of her if we don't even know what her name is?"

"Sugary Yogurt Cookie!" A small girl with glasses yelled out to what they assumed was supposed to be a younger version of their frosty friend. The girl seemed the complete opposite of the queen they had seen in the future. She was happier, more energetic, and more fun than what they got from the present. She even looked a little different than what she does now; her hair was droopy with small drops of yogurt dripping from it, and her dough seemed closer to the sea fairies' than the blue dough she presents with now. The group was confused as to why the queen was so opposite from what she is in the future. All they could do was wait and see.

Frost Queen's food problemWhere stories live. Discover now