On The Road Again

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! UPDATE TO THE TWs ! Be responsible with your triggers !

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! UPDATE TO THE TWs ! Be responsible with your triggers !

! TW: Car crash !

When Taeyong told me we were going home already, I was surprised.

His eyes were full of something I couldn't quite identify, something longing but also apprehensive.  They darted restlessly, like waiting for something in the distance to catch up.  He was so distracted he misplaced his phone a total of ten times that day.

I was still resting with a pounding headache, so I had to hear all of this from Ryujin, who I was becoming great friends with.  She was also helping me pack so we could leave tomorrow.

Because we'd traveled so far from Neo City, we would have to stay the night in MY city and then arrive back at The Dragons' home the night after.

"I can't believe you're leaving so soon," Heejin pouted.  She had dark circles under her eyes and she had her head propped sleepily in her hand even though it was 9:00 PM.

"Whatever Taeyong wants," I replied, petulantly.  "I mean, not that he isn't nice and protective, but I don't even know why I like him!"

"There's plenty to like about him."  Yeji appeared, leaning on my door frame.  Dressed in a black racing jacket and black cargo pants, she looked fierce.  "Understand that he's closed off from you because he knows how dangerous being involved with a mafia boss is.  The fact that he's even protected you personally so far is a testament to how much he cares for you."

"Respectfully, Yeji," I said, "he won't even train me.  How does that show care for my life?"

Yeji grimaced and looked at the ceiling thoughtfully.  "There are things—hard truths—that come with mafia training.  Not only is the physical aspect challenging, but the mental aspect is arguably much more strenuous."

"I'm ready and willing," I said, defiantly.  "Why don't you train me?  I'll gladly become an Itzy or a LOONA."

"As much as I'd like to do that," Yeji said, "we'd need a ton of time and you don't have much."

"I'll stay here then.  Why can't Taeyong go home by himself?" I asked.

Yeji turned her sharp cat eye on me.  "You're just going to abandon your theater?"

My face burned in embarrassment.  How could I have been willing enough to become a mafia member that I'd actually forget my precious theater?

"Mingyue, you realize that by wanting to be a mafia member, you're just trying to become a more suitable partner for Taeyong right?"

Wait.  I was doing all this for a guy?!

I slapped a hand over my mouth.  I would give up my theater, my LIFE, for a guy who clearly would rather us forget about each other?

I had stooped low indeed.

"That's what I thought," Yeji said, with a satisfied smile.  "Remember, you have your own life.  There are plenty of other guys out there, though it seems that none may actually match up to Taeyong.  I promise you, you can find someone great who will treat you differently."

Til Death Do Us Part / LEE TAEYONG ✓Where stories live. Discover now