🏠Chapter 16: Grumpy Frank🏠

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Wally rushed to Nick, Nick knelt down and gave it to Wally who took it with a smile and hugged the back.
"That's the book?"
"Yes, Yes Neighbour!"
Wally held it up, showing it to the humans and sure enough the civer had Frank's name, a butterfly with strange lines that seem to be a sdesign detail for the butterfly flying.
"Can we. . . Open it?"
Wally nods, he puts the book down and opened it as the group sits around them.

The notebook, for the first few pages, wrote about nightmares, some pages talked about sleep issues, feelings of being watched, seeing things and soke pencil sketches.
Eyes, studio lights, the neighbourhood wall, Home and. . . Frank but with strings holding him up by the hands.
Evee shuddered,"Seems like a lot was going. . .", Wally nods,"The illusion broke.", "Illusion?", Wally nods,"Yeah. . . You know those paintings that have some illusion to it and once you see it; it breaks.", Emma nods, understanding,"I get it. That's why the Neighbourhood is surrounded by trees; if they got too close to the walls they would see the scenery is fake and the halls would he obvious.", Wally nods, then pointed up, Much like the sky; An illusion to make it look like it's day or night, or the sun is out and clouds.", so that explains it, but if the set was still able to change from day to night; Someone had to still be operating the stuff that makes that happen.
Who would though?
Noah then showed Wally the pages of sketches,"What about the sketches?", Wally hummed,"I believe those are from Frank's nightmares he was having.", Emma took out a notebook,"Can you tell us about it, was it before Poppy went missing?", Wally nods,"I was made aware of it when Eddie came to consult me about Frank's odd behaviour. . ."


"Hmm. . ."
Wally stared at his painting of Sally, it was one of her karaoke nights and thought it would be nice.
"Heya, Wally. I have mail!"
Wally turned to see Eddie with his mail,"Oh, Eddie. Thank you, Neighbour.", Wally took the mail, then noticed Eddie his usual happy mailman seemed down,"What's the matter, you seem down on his sunny day?", Eddie rubbed the back of his neck,"Ah, it's just. Worried about Frank, he hasn't been himself lately and I'm not sure how to help him.", Wally nods, he too has noticed his usual Grumpy Neighbour seemed different, more dishevelled, tired and. . . Tense?
Wally smiled at Eddie, he always smiled and hoped his smile brought ease to Eddie,"If you like, I can go speak to Frank and make sure he's alright for you.", Eddie smiled,"Thank you Wally, I just want to be sure he's okay and if I can help. . . He's just become to distant and I can't get him to open to me about what's wrong.", Wally nods, noting Eddie's concern and hoped he could talk to Frank.

Wally found Frank, sitting on a rock and watching butterflies land from flower to flower.
"Afternoon, Neighbour."
Frank tensed, turning his head but seemed relived it was his neighbour Wally,"Oh, Wally. How can I be of assistance?", Wally shook his head,"No, no, Neighbour. I just wanted to check up on you, you seem. . . Down?", Wally wasn't sure how to describe it, but it was obvious his neighbour hadn't had hood sleep in a while and noted two plasters on the back of his hands.
Frank sighed,"I. . . It's fine, Neighbour.", Wally however wasn't convinced so he walked closer,"Are sure Frank, I just want to be sure you're okay.", Frank looked at his neighbour, knowing how much Wally and Eddie meant and was concerned about him.
. . .
"Do you want to talk about?"
Frank froze, right behind Wally even if from a distance was Home. . . It's eyes glancing at them.
"I-I. . . I just need to work done, I'll see around Neighbour."
"Frank, what's-. . ."
But Frank speadwalked away, y trailed off and was now more convinced something was wrong like Eddie said.
Wally then had a feeling. . .
He turned around, Home was sleeping.


"So at the point, Frank leaves you a book."
Wally nods,"Yes, but when he came back he seemed. . . Fine? But at the same time not, I couldn't convince myself he was fine after he told me to hide the book or how once he came back he wouldn't remember the book or what he told me.", Maddie nods, making note of that as she skimmed the book,"Seems like Frank might have found out what you know.", Wally nods, Nick added,"But it had to be around a time people were still around set since you mentioned knocking.", Wally nods,"Even when I opened the door after Frank, it was like he had vanished and whoever knocked too.", now that was weird, Noah looked at the covet of the book and felt something off about the detail of the butterfly.

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