Chapter 57-58

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Chapter 57

Fang Ya Ya's college entrance exam results are out!

She performed exceptionally well this time, scoring nearly forty points above the admission cutoff for first-tier universities. She can definitely choose a very good college.

Although her scores are not as outstanding as Fang Mo's back in the day, in their small county town, it's still a result worth boasting about. Taking advantage of her parents' visit to relatives, Fang Ya Ya quickly and excitedly called Fang Mo to share the good news.

"Sis! I can go to a university in the capital city!"

Fang Ya Ya's dream has always been to attend a university in the capital city. She already had a desired university and major in mind. Considering her scores and the previous admission situation, there shouldn't be any major issues.

Soon, Fang Mo's laughter came through the phone from the other end. She hasn't returned to her hometown in the past two years, but she has kept in touch with Fang Ya Ya.

When Fang Ya Ya was in her senior year of high school, Fang Mo even sent her some difficult-to-obtain practice question books and mock exam papers. Fang Ya Ya had mixed feelings when she received a package weighing over ten kilograms.

The items were great, but it was a bit excessive.

"... The gift I promised you is already on its way. My little sister is amazing! Remember..."

"Sis! You don't have to spend money! I don't lack anything..."

Fang Mo's straightforward praise made Fang Ya Ya feel excited. She also felt a sense of pride similar to receiving affirmation from an idol, especially with the joy of her dream coming true accompanying it.

They talked on the phone for over twenty minutes. In the end, Fang Ya Ya was the one to hang up first, afraid of disturbing Fang Mo, who must be busy with her countless responsibilities.

She had known for a long time that Fang Mo had become a high-ranking executive at Qi Ming Health. In the past two years, people have been paying more and more attention to health issues, and this app has become a must-have for many young and middle-aged people on their phones. Of course, Fang Mo's dedication played a significant role in its success.

Her sister was so busy, so she shouldn't bother her too much.

"Okay, we'll have a long chat when you come to the capital city."

As soon as the call ended, a furry head appeared on Fang Mo's shoulder, and someone firmly embraced her from behind, like an affectionate large dog.

"When is your little sister coming over? Should I go pick her up?"

It's now past nine in the evening. Fang Mo didn't have to work overtime today and had already been resting in bed with Yuan Huai Jing. One was playing with a phone, and the other was watching TV. They didn't disturb each other and enjoyed a harmonious atmosphere.

At such a close distance, Yuan Huai Jing naturally overheard the content of Fang Mo's phone call. He was not unfamiliar with Fang Ya Ya. Although he hadn't met her in person, he knew that his little sister-in-law had played the role of a matchmaker and was the only relative Fang Mo cared about.

"No need, it's still early," Fang Mo moved her shoulder, gesturing for someone to loosen their grip. "Aren't you feeling hot?"

The capital city had already entered summer by the end of June. Even if the room was filled with air conditioning, being too close to someone still made it feel hot.

However, who was Yuan Huai Jing? Upon hearing Fang Mo's words, instead of letting go, he held her even tighter.

"My little wife has such a cold heart. When it's cold, you let me warm the bed and call me baby, showing how much you like it. But when it gets hot, you start complaining. Boo-hoo."

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