Chapter 45-46

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Chapter 45

"A: Have you heard the news? So-and-so and so-and-so are together!"

"B: Who? Speak clearly or get lost!"

"C: I know, I know! It's those two, I have a friend in Qiming. Apparently, they go there every day, and they're so sweet together~"

Sun Ziyue, who was originally working, suddenly saw the message in the group and quickly started peeking at the screen.

She immediately guessed who the two people mentioned in the group were, and her excited fangirling heart ignited into a blazing fire!

Since Fang Mo moved to the new company, her former secretarial work was divided between Sun Ziyue and Wu Miaomiao. Both of their positions and salaries had been upgraded, but they also had more responsibilities to handle.

Fortunately, with two people, they could discuss and solve many things together, so there hadn't been many issues.

The only thing that made Sun Ziyue feel a bit regretful was that she couldn't witness their CP (couple pairing) moments in person, which made her feel somewhat lonely. Unexpectedly, there was a new sugar to indulge in now? It was like celebrating the New Year!

"B: Is it those two?! When did it happen?"

"E: You guys are so behind on the news. They've been open about it for over a week now."

"E: Yuan CEO reports at 10 a.m. every morning, usually stays until the afternoon, and some people have seen them laughing and talking."

"B: Shocked.JPG"

"B: Yuan CEO laughs and talks? I thought he never smiled!"

Sun Ziyue nodded repeatedly in agreement when she saw this comment. Although she could feel that Yuan CEO was gentle towards Sister Mo during their last encounter on the subway, which was different from his usual demeanor at the company, laughing and talking?

The image flashed in Sun Ziyue's mind, and she shook her head repeatedly. It was scary just thinking about it.

Speaking of which, Yuan Huaijing had indeed been absent from the company frequently during this period. Many tasks were handed over to the senior Yuan CEO, as if he was preparing to step down and pass on the reins.

Many people privately discussed this topic, curious to know who would eventually take over the Yuan family.

However, everyone was merely curious and not particularly concerned about the outcome. After all, whether it was Yuan Huaiyan or Yuan Huaijing, both were excellent leaders who could make money for the Yuan family. Having bosses who could fatten their wallets was what mattered most.

"As for the majority of shareholders, they had similar thoughts. Except for a few individuals with flawed thinking, most people didn't have much resistance to Yuan Huaiyan, who has been spending more and more time at Yuanshi lately.

In case there is a transition of shares and positions one day, it shouldn't have a significant impact on Yuanshi's stock price fluctuations.

The same goes for Sun Ziyue. It's just a change of boss. But these few days of interacting with Yuan Huaiyan, she realized that the two brothers are quite similar. Whether it's their serious demeanor or their pursuit of efficiency in work, it feels like things have changed and yet remained the same.

Of course, that's not the point. The point is that Yuan Zong, who used to not work much, is now going to find Mo Jie?

"B: So when did those two get together?"

"B: I didn't see any signs of that when we were at the headquarters."

"C: Who knows? Maybe it's that kind of situation where I'm used to having you around, but only realize how important you are to me when you're gone."

A Non-Aloof President is Not a Good Male LeadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang