Chapter 51-52

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Chapter 51

Yuan Huai Jing's wish for a kiss was ultimately only half fulfilled. Fang Mo planted a kiss on his right cheek, but it wasn't the genuine kind of kiss he had hoped for.

It's not that Fang Mo was conservative or anything. In fact, she was quite curious about both kisses and further intimate contact, cough, well, she was curious. She wondered if it would be like how it was described in novels.

But because she never had anyone to experiment with, that curiosity remained suppressed deep in her heart.

It wasn't until she started dating Yuan Huai Jing that Fang Mo occasionally found herself pondering when and under what circumstances their first kiss would happen. However, as she pondered, half a month passed, and the closest they got to intimacy was hugging.

This... Is the progress a bit slow?

But, despite her curiosity, Fang Mo couldn't just go and forcefully kiss someone. In her remaining girlish heart, such things should happen naturally when the atmosphere is right.

So when Yuan Huai Jing mentioned wanting a kiss, Fang Mo tried it out. For example, she asked him to close his eyes and then leaned in herself.

Speaking of it, Yuan Huai Jing's features were truly impeccable. His lips were rosy and teeth white, and he carried a dignified aura when serious, yet it didn't feel out of place when he was lively. It perfectly matched Fang Mo's aesthetic.

But compliments aside, when her gaze focused on Yuan Huai Jing's thin lips, Fang Mo hesitated. After giving him a peck on the right cheek like a dragonfly skimming the water's surface, she quickly stepped back a few paces, as if afraid that Yuan Huai Jing would grab her if he wasn't pleased.

Sure enough, as soon as Fang Mo settled after her retreat, she was met with Yuan Huai Jing's resentful gaze, and within it were two words written: Is this it?

Fang Mo cleared her throat. "You only asked for a kiss; you didn't specify where."

Yuan Huai Jing gritted his teeth. "Then I'm adding a condition now: a mouth-to-mouth kiss!"

Fang Mo took another step back. "The amendment is invalid."

Yuan Huai Jing: "..."

Damn it! He just wanted a simple kiss from his girlfriend who was about to go on a half-month business trip. Why was it so difficult?!

He had even diligently studied kissing techniques during this time, but it seemed to be of no use!

If it weren't for the fear of scaring Fang Mo, Yuan Huai Jing would have transformed into a forceful kisser, grabbing her and giving her a few intense smacks.

He wasn't bad-looking himself, and he had impressive abs. Why didn't his girlfriend show any interest?

Unlike him, who was constantly...

Perhaps Yuan Huai Jing's expression of sadness was too much, making Fang Mo feel a bit embarrassed. After contemplating for two seconds, she spoke again, "How about you change the condition?"

Yuan Huai Jing: "You'll agree to anything?"

Fang Mo: "... I advise you to think carefully before speaking."

Yuan Huai Jing let out a light snort before speaking, "Can you come to my house for the Lunar New Year this year and celebrate with me and Yi An?"

Fang Mo was taken aback. She had thought Yuan Huai Jing might suggest a day-long date or a request to cosplay as certain characters, but she never expected him to want to spend the Lunar New Year with her.

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