Chapter 35-36

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Chapter 35

They ate their late-night snack until almost 4 o'clock in the morning. Fang Mo completely collapsed, and even Zhao Yan's steps felt unsteady when he got up, alternating between light and heavy.

"Yuan," Zhao Yan patted Yuan Huaijing's shoulder, "Let's go back, I'm so tired!"

After saying this, he looked at Fang Mo again, "Oh, we have to carry our junior sister back."

But before Zhao Yan could even touch Fang Mo, Yuan Huaijing slapped his hand away, "Take care of yourself. Do you think you can carry someone in your state?"

Zhao Yan reacted a bit slowly, but then he saw Yuan Huaijing carefully approaching Fang Mo and squatting down to lift her onto his back. His movements were gentle, not causing any discomfort to Fang Mo.

With his keen eyesight, Zhao Yan even saw Fang Mo find a comfortable position, resting her head half against Yuan Huaijing's shoulder, a smile on her face as if she had found a good pillow.

Zhao Yan, who was awakened by the sudden realization:...

Damn, this shameless guy!

But because of his current condition, it was indeed not suitable for him to carry someone. He was afraid that his legs would give way and he would drop his junior sister. Zhao Yan didn't say much and just followed behind Yuan Huaijing, watching as someone's steps became slower and slower.

Zhao Yan rolled his eyes internally. "...Didn't eat enough? Can't even walk a few steps?"

Indeed, in the face of Zhao Yan's provocation, Yuan Huaijing turned his head and glared at him with embarrassment, "Take care of yourself!"

With that, he picked up the pace with Fang Mo, trying to leave Zhao Yan behind.

However, this movement woke up Fang Mo, and she muttered uncomfortably, "Don't...move~"

Yuan Huaijing immediately slowed down, "Okay, okay, I won't move. You go back to sleep."

Fang Mo obediently responded and rested her head on Yuan Huaijing's shoulder again. He could still feel someone's heartbeat.


Secretary Fang's heartbeat is so fast. Is everything okay?

Although he hadn't drunk any alcohol, Yuan Huaijing's head felt a bit dizzy at the moment, and his feet seemed to be stepping on cotton, floating as if he could fly.

Strange, why is he so happy?

Well, it's definitely a reason to be happy when you catch those people.

And so, taking advantage of Fang Mo's inability to see his current expression, Yuan Huaijing had a satisfied smile on his face that would never be seen in ordinary circumstances as they "floated" their way back home.

"Secretary Fang is really light. I should have her eat a good meal later," he thought.

"Drunk Secretary Fang is so well-behaved, not making a fuss at all. If I have a daughter like Secretary Fang in the future..."

"Hehe~ So happy~"

Yuan Huaijing was so happy that he felt like spinning around with Fang Mo on his back right where they were.

But it was already late, so it would be better to let Secretary Fang sleep early.

Completely forgotten, Zhao Yan watched Yuan Huaijing ahead of him, who closed the door with a few steps:...

Heh, man, your name should be "Valuing Love over Friendship"!

Especially that guy named Yuan Huaijing, I curse you to remain single for the rest of your life!

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