Chapter 55-56

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Chapter 55

It was rare for them to go out and have some fun. Everything was going perfectly, except for this unexpected annoyance that came up.

Yuan Huai Jing was so frustrated that he wanted to pick up a weapon and strike down the person behind all this trouble.

Moreover, within the few minutes they were browsing, the ranking of this trending topic had risen by one spot, and a new hashtag had emerged: #CapitalistsGetOutOfAnime.

Clicking into it, the hottest and most recent post was a seemingly ordinary account venting their grievances.

They claimed that the world of anime belonged to them, but it was being exploited by capitalists. They even directly accused the Yuan Corporation of being bloodsuckers, willing to ride any trend for money.

This accusation received support from many young people, though it was hard to say how many were genuine and how many were internet trolls. But this incident would definitely affect the image of the Yuan Corporation in the minds of some young people.

You see, most people involved in the anime community were young, and their values were mostly black and white. For them, once something they liked got tainted by profit, it became dirty, it became corrupted!

Perhaps Yuan Huai Jing's case was just the trigger, but because of this trigger, these people were reminded of some unhappy past events.

For example, when capitalism interfered and forced the production of unnecessary sequels to well-concluded anime series, desperately milking the popularity of the main characters.

Or how characters were constantly exploited for profit, with overpriced merchandise being sold despite mediocre quality. It was an ugly sight to see.

Originally, these matters had nothing to do with the Yuan Corporation. But after this commotion, everyone would start associating the Yuan Corporation with those capitalists.

Not a single good thing among them!

The anger in their hearts would naturally be vented towards the people who had tainted their sanctuary, such as Yuan Huai Jing and the Yuan Corporation.

"Do they really think they can cosplay just by putting on some clothes? They probably think we're easy to fool. Disgusting!"

"Exactly! Who doesn't know that Alice is a 1.5-meter-tall tsundere loli? They can't even pick the right people to cosplay!"

"The Yuan Corporation really shot themselves in the foot with this move. Did they really think we'd buy into it just because they found some handsome guys and beautiful girls to cosplay?"

The direction of the discussion below had indeed undergone a significant change as more and more people joined in. What was initially just about admiring good-looking cosplayers had now turned into a battle between capitalism and the world of anime.

If they didn't handle it well, it would greatly damage the reputation of the Yuan Corporation.

"What does the Public Relations Department say about this?" Fang Mo asked. After all, even though Yuan Huai Jing had stepped down as the CEO of the Yuan Corporation, he was still associated with the company. Clearly, the person behind all this was targeting the Yuan Corporation, and if they didn't take action, the department might as well be disbanded.

Yuan Huai Jing handed his phone to Fang Mo. "They have prepared a statement and plan to release it soon."

Suppressing this trending topic forcefully would not work, but explaining the situation would also be quite troublesome. Did they expect Yuan Huai Jing to personally confront the netizens and convince them that he was a genuine old-school otaku?

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