Chapter 31-32

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Chapter 31

After watching Wang Wan'er leave, Yuan Huaijing and Fang Mo didn't immediately go back. They waited for a few minutes until Zhao Yan opened the door.

He had been in the adjacent room just now. Although he couldn't hear anything due to the good soundproofing here, Fang Mo quickly and systematically explained the whole situation, which was not far off from their initial plan.

"This Wang Yaoming is truly despicable."

Zhao Yan didn't even know how many times he had cursed Wang Yaoming, but every time it seemed to surpass his previous understanding and shattered his worldview. "To think he would be willing to marry his daughter off to someone like Cao Xin. Disgusting."

Fang Mo agreed in accord. She had only heard the name of this young master Cao from before, but when Yuan Huaijing gave her the latest information in the morning, Fang Mo felt like reporting him to the police right away.

Men who beat their wives should be caught and locked up for ten or eight years!

Unfortunately, she wasn't the wife in question, and she didn't have any evidence in her hands. She could only hope that this scum of a person would face the consequences someday.

"We've already sent people to find Wang Wan'er's child, but we can't just wait like this, right?" After finishing her sentence, Fang Mo looked towards Yuan Huaijing, as if she had already formed an idea in her mind.

Yuan Huaijing nodded. "If we don't find the child before the deadline, we'll expose Cao Xin's actions."

Coincidentally, it was the same as what Fang Mo had in mind!

If Wang Yaoming tried to forcefully marry Wang Wan'er off before they found the child, Yuan Huaijing would have someone release news online about Cao Xin's domestic abuse. That way, even for the sake of his reputation, Wang Yaoming wouldn't dare to marry off his daughter at this stage.

Otherwise, the carefully cultivated image of a good father would be ruined in an instant.

As for the impact on Cao Xin? They wouldn't feel any guilt about exposing the actions of a scumbag.

"Junior, I ordered some tea and snacks from this place. Since we're already here, let's taste them before we leave, shall we?"

With the main business concluded, it was natural to relax a bit. After all, today was Sunday, and they were still working overtime. Zhao Yan felt it was necessary to spend Yuan Huaijing's money to make everyone happy for a while.

This teahouse's snacks were quite famous, said to be the craftsmanship of the imperial chef's descendants. However, the reason Yuan Huaijing and the others chose this place was twofold: firstly, to reassure Wang Wan'er that it wasn't under the control of the Yuan family, so they didn't have to worry about any tricks; and secondly, the teahouse had excellent confidentiality measures and had a good reputation within this circle.

When the teahouse was initially promoted, it emphasized this point. For example, this particular tea room had a layout and items that were clearly visible, making it impossible to hide any surveillance or recording devices. Even if one were to press their ear against the wall next door, they wouldn't hear any sound from this room.

The teahouse had been open for about eight or nine years now, and there had been no incidents to date.

With this gradual accumulation of reputation, many bosses would choose to conduct business negotiations here.

Fang Mo didn't refuse Zhao Yan's invitation but instead stood up with a smile and stretched her muscles. She then mentioned that she needed to use the restroom, but in reality, it was to create some distance from Yuan Huaijing when she returned. Just a moment ago, their distance during their act was less than a meter, allowing her to hear a lot of "nonsense."

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