Chapter 22

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"Is this all your things?" Tae asked while taking out the last box out from Tee's car, and the three of them walking together with everyone had things in their hand. Precisely, Tee's things.

After Tae and Kimmon parent's leaving that day, the three of them had a silent moment for a while, with everyone drown on their own thinking. Even, trying to actually thinking the way out from the no way out situation. Confusing as it is, they were stuck in that situation.

"Hmmm...I'm sorry if what I did actually makes things worse for you both." Tee was the one who talking first taking the attention of the two step-brother, a hard truth to accept now.

"'s...." Kimmon was trying to say something but it was stuck in his throat. He didn't know how to pronounce the current situation.

"No, I mean, Tee, why didn't you deny when his mother made that allegation? I mean, that promise you just made her is ridiculous, don't you think? What if she suddenly asked Kimmon to bring his partner, or suddenly coming here and asked for you? It was a big promised you did, and if it ever...Kimmon...."

Tae was actually afraid. What Tee did is very risky, and if Kimmon's mom knew that Tee wasn't actually his partner, what would he do when Kimmon had to get married? What about him?

"You both can use me." Tee's words making Kimmon and Tae turning to him fast.

"When your mother asking about your partner, Kimmon, I kept watching your face, Tae. You were confused, you were afraid, and that you clenched your hand the whole time, makes me thinking. You couldn't possibly telling them you are the one in the relationship with Kimmon, cause I know it will turn out worse than I can imagine. The breakup that I had with Copter came flashing in my mind, and to think that you both had to go through that makes me feel hurt. I don't want anything to happen to your relationship. So, that's why I did, what I did."

Tae was shaking his head. "But you will stuck with us, Tee. It's not fair for you. What if...."

"After what I did to Copter? I don't think I could ever trusted myself to be in any relationship. In that short of time, I had decided that you both can use me to be the cover for your relationship." Tae had cut Tae's words.

"Tee, thank you for covering for us in front of my mom. It was the result of my stupid action while trying to get away from the woman who keeps on throwing herself onto me. I forgot about my mother's principle and she was just that kind of woman. And thank you for letting us used you as a cover, but this will not going anywhere. My mom had made her decision, and her decision is final. Trust me, she will keeps her words." Kimmon then turn to Tae.

"P'Tae, I think we should make things right and tell her the truth. I...and I'm sorry this happen because of me."

Tae then coming closer to Kimmon, taking his hand in his hold, and the other hand pulling Kimmon's head so that he could lean on his shoulder. It must be hard for Kimmon to fight head-on with his mother. He saw them fight before when Kimmon was trying to get out from the house, but this one might had a little bit more emotional pressure than that time. He hate himself right now of how weak he is, that he couldn't even fight for their loves in front of their parents.

"I know what I'm suggesting, Kimmon, Tae. I've been thinking, you know. Whenever I was home, alone, it makes me thinking of the times with Copter. I know I loves him, and we both happy. I felt I had it all, and that was all enough, Copter is all I want. But, there are a side to my heart, I don't even realize, makes the decision of it's own, and that what's scared me the most. To think that when I thought I loves someone but it wasn't, I don't want to repeat that anymore. But, the truth is, Copter leaving makes me hurt and lonely, but I couldn't hold on to him. What I'm trying to say is, I might not get into any other relationship, and you both can really use me, whenever."

Tee's words makes Tae and Kimmon looking him straight into his eyes.

"But, this..." Tae was trying to make Tee understand, but Tee understand it all even without them trying.

"I know, it might take forever. We'll see to it along the way. At least, you both had times to make any preparation if things come to worst." Tee was still trying to convincing them, though he didn't understand why he insist.

"I didn't want you both ended up like me, separated. Because I can understand the state your relationship is, right now. If you confront your mother tomorrow, the big possibility she will forcing you into marriage right away, we cannot deny, Kimmon. And I don't want that happen to both of you, that's why you can use me. We'll think about the future, in the future, okay."

The offer was too good to pushed away by Kimmon and Tae since Tee had offered them the way out they were looking for before. As this happens, they might had forgot about their history, but maybe they just want to let the bygones to be bygones.

Tae suggested that Tee could live with them, since they had an empty room, which Kimmon was also agree. That offer was made when Tee had mentioned about how lonely he was living in that house all alone and that house had also remind him the memories with Copter, which somehow makes him feel sad and regrets which never ending.

Tee on the other hand happy that they make that offer, though he felt like he intervene their private space, but Tae and Kimmon make sure they don't mind about it. Maybe because it was Tee, but for whatever reason, they felt right to do this.

"Beside your room is Kimmon's, which usually empty, he spend most of the time in my room, so you don't have to worry. If anything just let me or Kimmon knows. I'm happy you are here, and Tee, thank you for supporting us. Not many people can accept us, but you did, so thank you."

Tae was saying once he put down the last box inside Tee's room. Tee was just smile hearing it, while looking around the room. Kimmon later had come and joined them with bottled water, handing it to both of them each.

"Do you need our help unboxing?" Kimmon then asked. Tee shakes his head.

"No, it's okay. I'm going to do it a little by little. Not gonna finish it in one go, so don't need to worry." Tae and Kimmon then nodding their head.

"Welcome to our nest, or should I say web? Since you are stuck here." Kimmon's words making them all laughing, since it was the truth. Tee might had stuck to the web of their love. Will he ever get away from those two? Did he makes the right choice to be here? He will never know until that time comes, and the answer will reveals themselves.

End of Chapter 22

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