Chapter 2

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Slowly, Copter was turning around walking back to where he came from, with tears falling down like a waterfall, with his hand clutching to his shirt at his chest trying to contain the hurt, the betrayal and the lies shredding his heart apart. Instead of the lift he took the emergency stairs going down to who knows where.

While Godt was fuming red in anger seeing the scene in front of him, and when he saw how the tears falling down on Copter's face before turning around, he was dashing into the room near to the two soul, who keeps on making out not even realized they were both there watching them.

Pulling Tee harshly from the guy who was leaning on the wall, kissing him, making Tee shocked and without having a moment to recover from the shocked, Godt had punched him hard making his nose bleed and another punch to the other guy, making that guy's lips bleed.

"What the......." Tee was going to punch back when he realize the person punching him. "Godt?!"

"Tee, you bastard! How could you do this to Copter? I trusted you! Copter believe you! How long had you done this?! Huh?!"

"Godt...I...Please, don't tell Copter about this. I...I...just lost in a moment....he...."

Godt was agape hearing Tee's words. "Lost? In a moment? I don't think this is the first time you two were doing this, considering you had the guts to invite him here! I should knew it. Copter was so troubled, and I shouldn't believe you. You had proved that you are really a bastard Tee. Don't show yourself in front of me ever again. I will never forgive you for hurting Copter this badly."

Godt was trying to leave when Tee was tugging his hand not letting him go.

"Godt, please, don't tell Copter about this. I'm begging you, please." Godt was pulling away Tee's hand harshly using his other free hand  and was glaring at him.

"I don't need to. He watched the whole things, Tee. He watched how you latch on to that guy, kissing him hard before walking away heartbroken. You hurt him, Tee. If anything happen to him, I will never forgive you for a lifetime, Tee. Mark my words." Godt was giving the last glare to Tee and to another guy in the room before running out of the room, trying to chase after Copter, when he saw another strange guy standing at the door.

Tee was trying to run following Godt when the guy who was kissing him before, pulling him. "You were married?" he asked. Tee didn't answer him and was trying to pry away his hand from that guy's hold.

"Answer me!" the guy demand answer from him and Tee was standing straight staring at the guy. "Does it matter? You said you need someone to run away from. You never asked anyway. Let go of me!" Tee was trying to let his hand go from the guy's grip, but it was so hard that he struggled, until a voice loosening that guy's hold, only then he could let go.

"So, you wanted to run away from me, but instead being a marriage-crasher, P'Tae?"


Tee couldn't care less about their problem when his head was full of Copter. How much Copter had hurt leaving in silence instead of facing him. 'Cop, please...please...answer my call.'

Tee was running out while calling Copter but the call couldn't get through. He called Godt but the guy didn't answer his call making him running around at the hospital when finally he was getting down to the parking lot only to see Copter's car was no longer in it's designated place.

It makes Tee's worry double, no, triple since Copter wasn't a very good driver, and driving in his state right now could be more dangerous.

Tee was driven out of the hospital, heading to the place he could think Copter could go, the house, the park, the usual restaurants, the lake. Copter was nowhere and Tee couldn't think of anywhere except for Bas. He wanted to call the guy, but he wanted to take his time. He knows he was in the wrong, but he needs time to brace himself to face the rage of Bas.

Tee wanted to take his time looking around for Copter but it's been 2 hours driving around, and he couldn't find Copter anywhere, and Copter didn't answer his call too. He was worried, regret, and afraid. He didn't know why he did what he did, but now when he think that Copter could leave him, it was like his face was just splash with a cold water, when realization hits him hard. He really is a bastard. He loves Copter, he really loves the guy. But he didn't know why he did that. Tee was stopping at the roadside when he remembers how he sleeps with the guy, and that makes him throwing up, he felt disgusting to himself. How could he do that?

His tears was falling down while leaning on the car, thinking how much Copter was hurt because of him. It was enough he hurt Copter in the past, without realizing Copter loves him the same way he did, sleeping and flirting around with women openly. And now, Copter had to watch him making out with another guy? How despicable he could be?

When his phone in his pant's pocket ringing, he was fast answering the call, thinking it was from Copter. "Cop, where are you?"

But hearing the woman's voice makes him disappointed.

"Doctor Tee...." Hearing the voice, making him looks at is phone trying to get to know who the person who called him.

"Yes, Nurse Fey....what is it?"

"Doc, you have to come to the hospital''s..."

Tee was sighing hearing the woman, that he felt no time to care about other's shit, when he himself is in this shitty situation.

"What is it Nurse Fey? Calm down, and tell me properly."

"Its...Doctor Cop...Doctor Cop..he..." hearing Copter's name making Tee jolted up, standing and walking around getting into his car right away. Within seconds he was already on the road.

"Doctor Copter involved in an accident, please come, Doc!" Hearing that, Tee was throwing his phone on the seat nest to him, not caring where it lands and was pushing hard on the accelerator, driving faster like he was never before to go back to the hospital. His heart beating fast, his tears keeps on rolling down, and his guilty feelings keeps on punching in his heart he couldn't bare. But he needs to be there to where his husband is. Please, Cop, please, don't leave me. I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please, baby, please.

Arrived at the hospital, Tee didn't bother parking his car properly but just throwing his car key to the guard, as they always done if any emergency coming up. Tee was running straight to the emergency area when he could see Godt and Bas was there. Taking sight of him, Bas was fast coming near him and slapped him at the same place Godt punch him not too long ago.

"What did you do to him?! Huh?! He called me crying, telling how much he hurt, that he didn't have any medicine nor treatment for this kind of hurt! Why are you doing this to him?! You were supposed to protect him, you promised us, you promised his late parents, you promised me, you will take care of him. Why? Why Tee?"

Bas was broken down while Godt was trying to help him to take a sit back. Tee was just standing there receiving all the slapping he deserve, while his love of life fighting with his life in that room, when he was the one who is guilty. Why his baby was the one receiving punishment?

Godt didn't look at him even once while Bas then treated like he was never there.

End of Chapter 2

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