Chapter Five: Dig Dug

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A night spent at home without Jim was strangely quiet. No dinner was made, no beers were cracked open. No TV chattering about the latest sports news, not even a grunt and groan as he stood up from the recliner. Neither of the girls' were aware that he wasn't coming home so when the telephone rang at quarter to seven that morning?

Jane jumped up faster than if she had been told there was a fire under her bed. She bolted to the landline, sliding on the wood floor as she yanked the yellow receiver from the cradle.

"Hello?" The girl rushed out, quick breaths while she attempted to calm her frazzled nerves.

"Umm hey? Are you okay?" A male voice spoke through the line but not of her father's. One much too young. "What's with your voice? Take a quick jog before answering the phone?" The boy continued to tease despite the fact that Jane had answered the phone on the very first ring.

"Steve?" Jane questioned, still slightly out of breath from the fight or flight response the shrill ringing caused.

"Yeah? Are you alright?" He asked once more, completely oblivious to the butterflies his voice elicited in the girl.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine. It's so early, why are you calling?" The girl sighed out a breath of relief. She was sure that when she picked up the phone it was going to be Officer Callahan telling her something awful had happened to her father.

"I don't know, just was gonna ask if you're going to school today?" Steve spoke, his nerves rumbling around in time with his hungry stomach. "I can pick you up... if you want."

"Yeah I'll probably go. I do need to run to the station at some point today so it will be easier for me to drive." Jane shrugged, leaning up against the wall that held the telephone line. "Thank you, though." She quickly rushed out. God, why did talking to him feel so weird.

"Hawkins Police Department, your happy place." Steve joked, "Here's the deal, I feel kinda shitty for what I said to Nancy and I definitely don't want her to hate you because of me."

"What are you getting at?" Jane sighed, something in her knew that no matter what he said or how many times he kissed her. Steve Harrington would always be whipped for Nancy Wheeler. Which left Jane as just another notch on his belt of bodies.

"I need to apologize but I don't want her to think I want to date her anymore. I just want to let her know I'm sorry for being an ass."

"Look I hate to be that person but I don't think you're the one in the wrong here... I know that makes me sound like the bitchy side chick or whatever but Nancy started it." Jane sighed once again, unknown feelings swirling around in her gut.

"Jane, you're not the bitchy side chick. I hate to break it to you but you're not even the side chick anymore."

"Are you implying I once was?" Jane joked, though the blush did manage to crawl up her cheeks and to her ears.

"Well, maybe not the side chick. I just had to convince you not to hate me first. So..." Steve drawled off, grinning to himself as he stood leaning against the upstairs wall.

"That's still on the table King Steve," Jane teased.

"Right, still in the maybe zone."

"Look, I need to get ready and help El with breakfast. I will see you at school sometime today." Jane promised, readying herself to end the call.

"Alright, alright. See you later."

"Bye, Stevie."

"Bye J,"

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