Chapter Three: Holly, Jolly

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"Dad! Have you seen my backpack?" Jane shouted as she laced up her shoes and jogged to the kitchen. She had convinced Jonathan Byers to pick her up for school after they discovered their newfound friendship. He instructed her to be ready by 7:45 a.m., it was currently 7:43 a.m. and she was missing her backpack.

"It's out here on the couch Sweetheart!" Jim called from the living room where he looked around for his radio and hat.

"Thanks," She grinned, offering him a side hug before glancing out the window.

"Hey, we're gonna check out the lab today, you wanna come?"

"Yeah, I do."

"Okay, we'll pick you up at 9:30." Jim smiled as a honk rang through the area. Jane explained that it must be Jonathan and out the door she went. She slid into his car with a wave and he backed out of her driveway.

"How's your morning?" Jonathan asked, beginning the short drive to Hawkins High School.

"A little hectic, I couldn't find like any of my school stuff this morning. How's your mom doing?" Jane asked with a sympathetic smile, she really did feel bad for Joyce Byers. Her sons were her only family, they were her life and to lose one is gut-wrenching.

"She needs to sleep, she's going crazy," Jonathan answered honestly as they pulled into the school parking lot.

"I bet, I feel so bad for you guys..." Jane cooed, placing her hand on Jonathan's shoulder as they walked into the school. He smiled back at her before they separated down different halls to their first-period classes. Jane walked into her elective class, Medical Anatomy, and Physiology, it was a class for only students that were interested in Medical careers. It was a four-year class and you had to test into it. Naturally, it was a room full of students that weren't afraid of academic work. Even though Jane knew she would probably end up working at the station, it was good to get some other knowledge under her belt.

"Morning Ally," Jane smiled as she walked past the blonde to her seat two chairs behind her. Nancy Wheeler sat in front of her and Barbara Holland was diagonal from her. So far, neither of the girls had shown up.

Just minutes before the tardy bell rang Nancy walked in, clutching her books tightly as she sat down. Peering at Barb's empty seat nervously and leaning forward towards Ally.

"Hey, where's Barb?"

"Shouldn't you know?" Ally whispered back while the teacher still collected his papers.

"You haven't seen her around anywhere?" Nancy pressed, when Ally shook her head the petite brunette turned around and placed her arms on Jane's desk.

"Have you seen Barb?" She redirected her question.

"Not since yesterday?" Jane shrugged, also finding it odd that Barbara would miss school. Nancy and Barbara didn't get really close until she and Jane drifted apart but even during their friendship, Jane got to know Barb. She was a sweet girl but very goody-two-shoes, not the type to sluff class. Barbara believed in asking for permission rather than forgiveness, unlike Jane.

"When did you see her?" Nancy pressed.

"When your boyfriend and his sucky-squad were harassing me." Jane spat, Nancy opened her mouth to speak when the teacher cleared his throat.

"Ms. Hopper, Ms. Wheeler? There will be plenty of time to chat when class is over."

"Yes sir," Nancy muttered as she turned around in her seat.


"Jane Hopper, can you please report to the main office? Jane Hopper to the main office." The intercom spoke roughly in the middle of second period. The English teacher nodded at Jane rather than verbally excusing her.

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