Chapter Six: The Monster

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The morning sun shone through Nancy Wheeler's bedroom window brightly. Giving her the perfect natural lighting to flip through the pages of her notebook she was taking notes in. The strange and unsettling events of last night made it extremely hard to sleep so she was up early, and laughing at the way Jane's face was settled into a frown. One different from her resting face, one that was severely annoyed at Jonathan's proximity to her.

The boy was asleep and knew no better for he had shared beds with Will for years and years. Just a few months ago he finally moved back to his own room, but elbowing your little brother in your sleep is slightly different than the Sheriff's daughter.

"Jonathan," Jane grumbled as she pushed the boy away, "get your elbow out of my back." Nancy chuckled softly at the pair causing Jane to sit up and rub her eyes.

"You two look cozy,"

"I'm gonna kill him." The girl sat up fully and stretched her arms, as soon as she had moved Jonathan slid over into her space where the sheets were still warm. Searching for the next living thing to smother in his sleep. "What are you doing up?"

"Couldn't sleep much, I've been thinking about... well you know." Nancy shrugged, showing Jane the book of animals she was looking through along with her notes in the spiral-bound notebook. Her small and precise handwriting lining the pages.

"Stalks prey, ambush predator, hunts alone..." Jane read from Nancy's writing but soon stopped when the boy beside her began to grumble.

"What time is it?" He muttered, hiding his face in his elbow as he yawned.

"Almost eleven," Nancy shrugged, Jonathan shot up in worry, eyes flitting around the room.

"What about your mom?"

"Holly always has playdates with the Miller twins on Saturday mornings so my mom goes with her and talks to their mom." Nancy shrugged yet again, sliding out of bed and meandering to her closet in search of something for her and Jane to wear. "Michael will probably sleep until noon or he's already at the arcade with Lucas and I bet you good money my dad is asleep already in the recliner."

"Hmm," Jonathan nodded before beginning to mutter how uncomfortable he slept and that three grown teenagers weren't supposed to fit in a queen-sized bed. Jane just rolled her eyes and flicked him in the forehead.

"Shut up, you literally had your elbow digging into my back all night long."

"Leave it you two," Nancy warned before tossing some jeans and a sweater at Jane. "Listen, I've been thinking, Barb cut herself and was bleeding that night at Steve's and the deer? It had been hit by a car..."

"And Will, he'd fallen off his bike," Jane spoke looking timidly over at Jonathan remembering how angry he had been when she and her father had returned Will's bike.

"Exactly! Like a shark, they can smell blood a quarter mile away." Nancy snapped, getting excited that her seventh-grade lab partner was really grasping her train of thought.

"And they can detect it one to a million, that's one drop of blood in a million drops of water." Jane continued slightly grimacing at the outfit Nancy had thrown at her. Not that there was anything wrong with her clothes, just that they weren't her style.

"So, you guys are saying it can detect blood?" Jonathan looked at the two girls standing at the foot of the bed while he sat up against the headboard.

"It's just a theory," Nancy mumbled as she turned back to her closet in search of something for her to wear.

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