Chapter Four: The Body

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The younger of the two deputies padded around his kitchen softly. Relying on socked feet and the linoleum floor to keep him quiet. For a brunette teenager lies slumbering on his sofa, curled up under a few blankets with his chocolate lab sleeping at her feet.

"Officer Callahan? This is Hopper," The radio staticked to life with a crackle before Jim Hopper's voice echoed through the small house. Phil Callahan cursed under his breath as he grabbed the radio from his jacket, narrowly looking over at Jane. She stirred slightly but his chocolate lab was sitting up at full attention.

"This is Callahan,"

"Hey, how's my kid?"

"She's fine, she's still sleeping," Callahan answered, leaning against his kitchen counter. He assumed that the Chief was up all night with the accident reports and body identification papers. Not to mention the autopsy that would have to be done today and of course, the general dealing with Joyce Byers.

"You two want to meet me at the morgue?" The young officer glanced at his stovetop clock before holding down the call button on the radio.

"It's quarter to six? Why are you already there?"

"Joyce and her son have been here since the receptionist got in at 5:30, Gary is still with the body so we can't go back yet." The Chief explained, Callahan sighed before reassuring his boss that they would be to the Hawkins Morgue soon, and bearing breakfast.

The brunet set his radio on the kitchen counter before walking over to the living room. Standing over the slumbering girl before he shook her slightly, the small movement causing the lab to jump down off the couch. The dog stretched her hind legs before bowing down to stretch her back, all accompanied by a yawn and a small whine. Callahan patted his dog on her head before shaking Jane again.

"Jane? Your dad needs us to meet him at the morgue." Jane's blue eyes slowly fluttered open before she sat up, yawning and looking at the officer.

"What time is it?" She asked, voice still laced with sleep.

"About 5:50,"

"And you're already awake? What the hell is wrong with you?" Jane sighed, rubbing her eyes and groaning when she smeared last night's makeup even more.

"Unlike your father, I get to the station on time," Callahan jabbed with a smile but the sleepy teenager was not amused. "Come on, we gotta meet your dad and get some breakfast."

Jane nodded and trudged off to the bathroom. Washing the makeup off her cheeks briefly with her hands and some lukewarm water. Luckily a bit of the mascara stayed coated on her lashes leaving her looking more awake than she really was.

"Do you have a brush, Cal?" Jane called from the bathroom.

"I'm a single dude in his twenties, what do you think?" The officer called back. The girl sighed before running her fingers through her hair and attempted to straighten out her shirt before leaving the bathroom.

"Come on Penny," Cal shouted out of his front door, and seconds later the chocolate lab bound through the door. Jumping up on Jane trying to lick her face, obviously alive with this morning's fresh energy. "Penny." The deputy chastised as he patted the dog, pulling her away from Jane by her purple collar.

"Sorry Pen, you can't come to the morgue with us." Jane crouched down to tie her shoes while chatting with the lab.

"I'm sure she would like a donut though,"

"She would." The girl agreed before standing back up, stretching her back out.

"Ready to go?" Officer Callahan asked, placing his felt hat on his head. Jane nodded as he opened the door, preparing to follow him out. Callahan walked out of the front door, Jane gave Penny one last pet before snagging a flannel shirt off of the coat hanger and jogging to catch up with her favorite officer. Pulling his flannel around her body as the brisk morning air bit into her skin.

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