Chapter Two: Trick Or Treat, Freak

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Steve Harrington laid flat on his bed, brown eyes wide open as he looked up at the white ceiling. He had repeatedly glanced over at the analog clock beside his bed in increments of seventeen minutes since about five this morning. He couldn't fathom why he was awake but didn't dare move, one, he kept hearing his parents downstairs and two, he did not want to wake the brunette sleeping on his sofa.

From how she looked when he would sneak a glance over at her, she looked peaceful. Jane's usual frowning face was relaxed effortlessly and Steve did not want to be the cause of one of her many bad moods. He usually was the culprit but he'd had a change of heart. He much preferred her blue eyes sparkling rather than narrowing at his choice of words.

So, for a few more hours he laid impossibly still, barely allowing himself to breath as he tried to drown out his parents moving around in the kitchen.

That fact alone worried him immensely as he stayed spread out under his comforter for the hours he stared blankly at the popcorn ceiling. What were his parents doing up so early and god, they sound like they're getting along. Pans clattered softly while the aroma of food wafted up the stairs at six-forty-five on the dot.

"Stevie! Jane! Time for school!" Lisa would shout up the stairs as she prepared breakfast with a grin, even her husband would flip a pancake or two while they waited for the kids to wake up and traverse the staircase.

Steve sat up slowly, running a hand through his luscious hair, glancing timidly at the sofa toward the foot of his bed. Jane stirred before letting out a delicate yawn and stretching as she rolled over. When she just nestled deeper into her array of blankets the Harrington boy sighed, looking around for the easiest way to wake up the girl.

"Hey," Steve balled the throw blanket on his bed and tossed it across the queen mattress. "You awake?" He questioned as the material hit her with a thud.

"Good morning Stevie, no wonder your hookups never stay the next day." Jane grumbled, balling the blanket back up and hurling it with pitcher's accuracy at his head. The boy grunted when the plush fabric struck him but nonetheless rolled his eyes with a deep breath.

"Jesus, aren't you a peach in the morning." Steve muttered right back as he stood up, stretching his back and walking over to the sofa. Pulling the blankets off of Jane while he passed her by on the way to his conjoined bathroom.

"It's so early, give me those back!" Jane whined, rolling her eyes at the boy. Who in their right mind gets up for school over an hour early? In being the only daughter of the man who is notoriously late, Jane Hopper mastered the art of getting ready quickly. Therefore she maximized her sleeping time and never woke up quarter to seven when first period didn't even start until eight-fifteen.

"We have to go to school, now do you want some clothes or not?" Steve looked down at the girl who had followed him into the bathroom, pawing for his brush that was left on the counter top. His basketball t-shirt was severely over-sized on her, drowning out the pair of boxers she was using as sleep shorts.

"I can't wear your clothes to school, Nancy will kill me and people will notice." She argued, brushing through her previously curled hair, it was more on the wavy side but with a bit of hairspray it should be good enough for today. "And I don't want to be rumored to be dating you... full offense by the way."

"Thanks, I'm sure you'd make a great girlfriend since you're so kind and loving." The boy grimaced, watching her use his products as if they were her own. For claiming to dislike the boy's company Jane seemed awfully comfortable in his presence.

"Hey, you're the one who wanted me to be your girlfriend yesterday."

"For one day Jane, one day." Steve huffed.

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