Chapter Three: The Pollywog

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Jane Hopper was warm, really warm. With a big lush comforter pulled up under her chin and strong arms that held her at the waist. The Chief's daughter was fairly smart all things considered but it didn't take a genius to decipher whom they belonged to.

Against all of her inner turmoil, the girl laid still. Enveloped in the taut grasp of Steve Harrington and lost in the land between slumber and reality. She knew once she opened her eyes she would be bombarded by not only an aggressive headache but also just the bustle of November first.

November first was likened to a national holiday in Hawkins, Indiana. It proved that the fall could be endured and Christmas was just around the corner. A few cop cruisers crawled down the neighborhoods picking up smashed pumpkins and blown up mailboxes. Though it would only take less than one workday of investigating to put the Halloween shenanigans at bay. The Hawkins PD would probably do so with jolly smiles on their faces.

Once all pumpkins were set to be composted and gravestones hidden away in the shed, Melvald's would host the annual sale on Christmas bulbs. Though between Jane Hopper and her little posse, they had plenty of those and it wouldn't surprise her if none of them made it back up on the house. Every single heart rate spikes when any sort of light flickered, anything from camera flashes to faulty bulbs induced a traumatic response. The brunette listened to the noisy streets all while choosing to ignore her current situation, her mind swimming in thoughts.

She was never as drunk as her classmates believed her to be and maybe that was a good thing. Perhaps she could write off everything that was said as just her being under the influence of Tina's vodka punch. Somewhere in the back of her head, a voice told her that maybe lying to one of the only people who was looking out for her last night wasn't the best idea. It had been enough years of her stupid charade, nothing better than allowing liquid courage to let the cat out of the bag.

"You awake, Stevie?" Jane whispered, driving her elbow gently into the boy behind her. He stirred and grumbled a few undefinable words before letting out a deep breath.

"I'm awake," He started, cautiously removing his arms from where they were latched around Jane's waist. Steve moved so slowly, as inconspicuously as possible to ignore the fact that he had been holding her in such a manner. How does this keep happening to him? "How are you feeling?" He asked once he had composed himself slightly, it was hard to ignore the pounding sense of guilt rippling all over his body.

What about Nancy?

Jesus, Nancy...

"Headache, that's it." Jane shrugged, sitting up and running her hands through her tangled locks. The brunette tresses stayed curled surprisingly well after being stuck in a humid party house for hours upon hours.

"Well, there's nothing like getting plastered on a Wednesday night." The Harrington boy sighed, turning his head to glance at the girl. Dark makeup settled around her eyes and exhaustion written in the irises.

"I didn't get plastered, Tommy was plastered." Jane corrected, yawning.

"Oh yeah? Do you even remember anything?"

"I remember that our English paper was due today, Tina was making moves on Eddie, you got knocked down from Keg King," The Hopper girl grinned as she stood up and made her way to the bathroom. "Let's see... you and Billy almost got into a fight, you and Eddie almost got into a fight, you and Nancy did get into a fight."

"Are you done yet?" Steve sighed, flipping through his closet for something to wear.

"I don't think we can take you to parties anymore Stevie, you're a total loose cannon." Jane taunted, grabbing a pillow from his bed and tossing it at him.

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