9|Finding out the Truth

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As we all walked back to the castle I heard a growl from behind as we all turned to Edward looking at Bella with a glare. "U made an immortal child?," Edward growled, "What are u saying Edward, Princess Bella is not an immortal child, she is a grown vampire," Rosalie said.

"No, I'm not. I am an immortal child I just have a great mature nature as well as turning myself to human and back to vampire whenever I like too. I have in my human form for a long time as I nevered ate from humans at all," Bella explained.

"So if u are immortal child and very mature as well as controling ur thirst and turning to human as well has growing human height does that mean?," ROsalie said. "Yes u could have an immortal child but it must be like me, more mature, more thinking less drestorying and knowing what's best for us to keep living," Bella told Rosalie.

"Also I could turn u into human for how ever u guys want and to let u know once I turn u human u guys eggs would unfreeze and u could actually get pregnant but it is a long process and it takes a lot of energy so I need to practice," Bella said.

Then everyone looked at each other happily of hearing they could be able to have children. "Also Edward, Tanya, Maggie, and Irina u will meet ur soulmate soon," Bella said with a smile. "Are u sure?," Edward asked coming almost near her causing her mates to come in front of Bella protecting her from him.

It even cause all of the Volturi growl, "Know ur place of not getting near our sister," Felix, Demetri, Jane, and Alec said together growling. "Everyone be calm," Bella said as she patted her mates and siblings calming down but still being cautious. Bella looked at the 4 who were looking at her with hope.

"Yes, u guys mates are going to be with u soon. My gift of seeing the future is very different fron Alice I could go beyond how ever I like and I can control it. But my vision does change based on decisions, but it could sometimes be permanent. Just like how my vision of u guys soul mates are permanent, but if u change ur decisions then meeting ur mates would take long are sooner," Bella explained.

Tanya, Edward, Maddie, and Irina hugged Bella as she patted each one of them.

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