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A/N: This will be the last chapter. The reason is because in the second book of Megatron's Human Lover. It shows and says on the first page and chapter that Megatron and Hannah have been seeing, dating and been together for 4 months. But please understand that this book is not long. But also Megatron asked Hannah to be his conjunx-endura but they will still be dating and seeing each other.

Fast Forward To 3 Months:

Location: Hannah's Home

Outside Hannah's Home:

Outside In The Backyard:

It's been 3 months since you and Megatron have been dating and been together. And you loved every moment and bit of it. You were relaxing and tanning outside when you suddenly felt someone's fingers slowly going down your back. And gently caressing your back. You immediately shivered and you let out a moan. You knew who the fingers belonged to. They belonged to your boyfriend and lover Megatron. But he was in his human holoform. I chuckled. "Hello Megsy." I said. He chuckled. "Hello my dear." He said and replied back to me. I then went back to relaxing and to my tanning. Megatron then looked and saw that I was relaxing and tanning. He chuckled.

"Relaxing and tanning I see." He said and asked me. "Yes. To look fabulous and beautiful for you, my warlord." I said and replied back to him. He growled and snarled in a loving way. I slowly got up and I looked at him. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. He then wrapped his arms around my waist. We both looked at each other. Soon we went for it and we kissed each other. And the kiss was endless. Soon he went down touching my body and kissing my skin on my body. I immediately moaned. Soon we both backed away. Still having our arms around each other. "So... how's the therapy going, with Knockout." He asked me. "Okay. The therapy is actually close to ending. Knockout is actually a good therapy doctor." I said and replied back to him. He hummed.

"So where is Airachnid at?" I asked him. "Don't worry about her. Soundwave actually bridged her and teleported her to our moon. Which is our home planet's moon." He said and explained to me. "Good. Because I don't want to see that ugly spider ever again." I said and explained to him. He chuckled. "Same here, my dear." He said and replied back to me. I looked and saw Megatron was thinking about something. And I didn't know what he was thinking. "Megsy." I said. Getting his attention. He shook his head. "Yes." He said and replied back to me. "Megsy." You were spacing out. I said. He looked at me.

"Yes. I was thinking about something." He said and replied back to me. "About what." I asked him. "I was wondering if you would be my... conjunx-endura." He said and asked me. What's that?" I asked him. "It's where we ask the person we love to be our spouse." He said and explained to me. "Yes. I will." I said and replied back to him. "But we will still be dating and seeing each other." I said and explained to him. He immediately smiled. "Of course." He said and replied back to me. Soon before I knew it he went and he kissed me. But soon I yelped. I felt him lightly nip my neck. "Megsy. That hurt." I said. Soon he went and he licked the wound that he left on my neck. I immediately moaned, feeling him licking the wound on my neck that he left. Soon he backed away. I looked at him.

"Why did you do that?" I asked him. "It's a mark. Letting others know that you are mine and only mine. And that you only belong to me." He said and explained to me. I groaned. "Megsy. I am already yours. And I only belong to you. So don't you worry, my warlord." I said and explained to him. He frowned. "I don't know about that sweet spark. Because I don't want to lose you to someone else." He said and explained to me. I walked over to him. I looked at him. And he looked at me. With his light red ruby eyes looking directly at me. I went and I slowly caressed his cheek. "Let me show you that I am already yours and that I only belong to you, Megsy." I said. I went and I immediately grabbed him and I immediately kissed him. His eyes immediately widened. But soon he closed them. He immediately moaned once he felt your tongue inside his mouth. He moaned uncontrollably, feeling it move around inside his mouth and feeling you savoring his saliva. Soon you backed away. Megatron looked at you and he was stunned.

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Pre-sequel To Megatron's Human LoverWhere stories live. Discover now