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Location: Hannah's Home

Outside Hannah's Home:

You were outside cleaning things up when you heard something coming from in the forest like a loud crashing noise. Curious. You decided to check the noise. "Come Jake." You said. You and your dog a German Shepherd named Jake walked to the forest.

Location: Forest

Inside The Forest:

You walked with Jake walking alongside you. Soon you saw Jake running. "Jake." You said. You ran following Jake and soon you saw a huge robot lying on the ground not moving. You slowly walked over and saw some minor wounds on the robot's waist. You grabbed the stuff you had and started cleaning the wounds. Soon the robot immediately woke up and he hissed. He quickly turned and he snatched you up off the ground. He looked at you. You looked at him. His red optics piercing through your eyes. Soon he said something and it was and almost sounded demanding.

"Why touch me fleshling. I despise fleshlings like you." He said. I looked at him. "I was just helping you. Okay. So deal with it. You are too weak to go off by yourself." I said and replied back to him. He scoffed. "Yeah right." He said. He dropped me down. At least I landed on my feet. He got up and walked but soon he collapsed. He immediately groaned in pain. "See, what did I tell you?" I said to the robot. He hissed. "Oh shut up you, fleshling." He said and replied back to me. I walked over. "My name is Hannah. What's your name?" I asked him. He slowly sat up. "Designation is Megatron. But call me Lord Megatron." He said and replied back to me. "Okay. Fine by me. Lord Megatron." I said to Megatron. "Now. Can I fix that wound?" I asked him. He looked at the wound and saw that it was more serious than he thought. He growled.

"Fine. Go ahead, fleshling." He said and replied back to me. I then walked over and started fixing his wound. He glanced and saw a dog. Jake walked over and sat down next to you. Soon after a while his wounds were healed. He looked and was astonished. "I normally don't say this but thank you… Hannah." He said. I smiled. "You're welcome, Lord Megatron. And don't worry. I won't tell anyone about this." I said and replied back to him. "Good. Because I can't let my Decepticons know about this." He said and explained to me. He got up and he walked off. I soon heard transforming coming with the sound of jets. "Come Jake. Let's go home." I said. He barked.

Location: Nemesis

Inside The Nemesis:

Throne Room:

Soundwave was busy decoding the relics of Iacon when he heard the doors open to the throne room. He looked and he saw his master. But he looked like he was thinking about something. Megatron walked over and he sat down on his throne. He then thought to himself. "Why did that fleshling named Hannah help me? Why wasn't she scared of me? This doesn't make any sense." He said to himself. Megatron glanced up and saw Soundwave standing in front of him. Pointing at his wounds. "Question: how did you get the wounds?" He asked his master using a voice recording. Megatron hissed. "Don't want to tell or say." He said and replied back to Soundwave. "Inquiry: must know." He asked his master in a voice recording. "Don't know. Don't know who they were." He said and replied back to Soundwave. Soundwave looked at his master. Something else was on his processor.

"Lord Megatron is thinking about something. Something on his processor." He said to his master in a voice recording. "Yes. There is. Something I can't quite explain. And something I must never tell." He said and explained to Soundwave. "Master. Soundwave knows how to keep secrets." He said and replied back to his master using a voice recording. Megatron looked at Soundwave. "Fine, I'll tell you, Soundwave. A… fleshling mended my wounds today. Don't know why. And she wasn't even scared of me. Which is odd and weird at the same time." He said to Soundwave. Soon chuckling was heard coming from the silent mech. Megatron looked at Soundwave. "What's so funny, Soundwave." He asked him. "Master. Are you falling for the fleshling? You don't look the same after you meet her." He said and replied back to his master using a voice recording. Megatron's eyes immediately widened. But soon his faceplates turned red. Soundwave saw this and knew that he was right. His master was somehow falling for this fleshling but why. Megatron immediately got up and left.

In The Halls:

Megatron was walking. Trying to figure out if he was falling for this fleshling. But why? And that's a question that he can't answer. He was walking and he approached his room. The doors slid open and he walked inside.

Megatron's Room:

Inside Megatron's Room:

Megatron walked over and sat down at his desk. "No. Soundwave is wrong. I am not in love with that human." He said to himself. He lifted his head up. "Or am I. Oh this is so confusing." He said to himself. He then thought that he was falling for you. He went and he messaged Soundwave to come to his room. Soon a bridge opened in the room. Soundwave stepped out. Megatron looked at Soundwave. "Asking me how to win her heart." Soundwave asked his master using his real voice. Megatron chuckled nervously. "Yes. I am Soundwave." He said and replied back to Soundwave. "Look, you may be right. But how can this fleshling win over with my spark and how can I fall in love with her." He said and asked Soundwave. "It just happens, master. Look, on how to win her heart. Just get to know her. And see how it goes." He said and explained to his master. Megatron looked at the stuff on his desk.

"Do fleshlings give items to their… mate's." He asked Soundwave. "Yes they do." He said and replied back to his master. Megatron waved a servo telling Soundwave he can go. Soundwave left. Megatron got up from his desk and he walked over to his berth. He sat down on his berth. "I think I am falling for this fleshling named Hannah. I will do whatever it takes to… win her heart." He said to himself. He laid down on his berth thinking about you. He couldn't believe that you helped him. He turned over. Still a confused warlord. But something was changing inside of him. You were changing a warlord's spark that you didn't even know. And that Megatron didn't even know was possible either. He was falling in love with a human named Hannah. And for the reasons and questions. He doesn't know why he is falling for her. Maybe because of the act of kindness she showed him by mending up his wounds. Soon before he knew it he fell into a deep recharge.

Words: 1,178

This Page Was Finished/Completed On June 6th, 2023.

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