An Innocent Crush!

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So I have a question about school crushes from a previous advice seeker!
The first time he wrote was about feeling comfortable in his clothing at school. This time he has a crush!

So growing up gay is difficult no matter what the age! You can't just automatically assume that you can just go up to a person and confess your feelings. 9 times out of 10 this person is going to end up heterosexual.
However sometimes you feel something there.
A lot of people will use apps that were created to help us identify others around us who are gay. Except they have became hookup apps now.

So first things first,
This boy you like. He has a girlfriend?
I had one too. Way way way back. It was to cover up my insecurities.
Do you know this boy very well? If you don't, try to make more conversation. Talk to him about school, events, his "girlfriend"
Become closer friends. If you feel a tension between you two, then ask. Let him know you are confused. The only way to find out anything about anyone is to just ask. This works for everything you ever need in life.
If he is a true friend then he will understand either way it goes.
Also if he isn't out, but you show how strong you are, and show him how happy you are, this will be a major light in his life. I owe my coming out to multiple people I chatted with online in my teen years. They were so secure and happy, it made me feel welcome and strong.

As always be yourself and you might end up with a boyfriend or maybe a best friend.

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